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SFM & diff addresses

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:29 am
by done_with_like
If someone has Studio Fan Mail address and another address, do you think they do different autographs?
Like I really want Tim Allen's, but I want a real autograph, not one from SFM, do you think it would be different or the same as if I just e-mailed for one?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:56 am
by nowandagain
Hi done_with_like :D

Unfortunately, many SFM clients send out the same SFM photo regardless of where you write to them :?.

The point of certain celebrities being a client of SFM is that they do not wish to be bothered by fan mail, and would rather have someone send photos out on their behalf than be bothered by requests. So, to get an authentic autograph from some SFM clients can be rather difficult TTM, but not impossible. You may want to try VV for authentic autographs - but sometimes SFM clients will still send the usual SFM picture.

nowandagain [rockon]

P.S. If you want to write to Tim Allen in particular - you may want to send him something VV. There has been report of an authentic success VV in the past - click here.