Teen Wolf (spoilers about the newest episode)

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Teen Wolf (spoilers about the newest episode)

Post by andrewsheath »

Does anyone watch Teen Wolf because well i have alot to say about last night's episode and i would love to discuss it with someone hopefully someone in the US because i know other countries arent up to speed yet on whats going on. but anyway here's my thoughts:
ummm…. yeah they sure named this episode pretty well! Lunatic just got a new name and its Scott McCall! I know everyone is hating on Scott for breaking the code of BFF’s but thats not why I’m hating on him WTF Danny is like super nice and that was just uncallled for what he did to the poor guy. Yea yea yea the full moon was in full swing but thats no excuse to knock poor Danny over and bust his face especially when Danny stuck up for Scott in the locker room when Jackson was jealous because apparently Scott is stealing his thunder. Jackson grow the eff up and get over yourself, Danny I still love you and im sure Scott didnt mean it but Scott you need to get your issues fixed find that dam alpha (coughyourbosscough) and kill the asshole and your home free. On the brighter side an angel must be looking after Scott as he was just about to do a no-no and kill people or attack them whatever Mr. Derek Hale shows up to save the day. I’m telling you what I was jumping up and down going “FUCK YEA DEREK!” Until I got told to stfu because well it was late in my house. Of course what Derek and Scott didnt count on was the fact that Jackson isnt as dumb as he pretends to be he put the pieces together Scott’s glove from the first full moon and that wolf nail he left behind (carelessness) Jackson put 2 and 2 together this is going to be an interesting fun time to watch next week. Can I just apologyze to Stiles on behalf of his dumbass friend Scott I mean come on the poor guy can’t get a break and Stiles is busting his ass to help Scott out and what does Scott do makes out with Lydia great way to pay back your bff! I was ready to cry when Stiles pulls up to see the police and a dead body the look on his face as if he hadn’t been through enough that day luckily his dad was alright! and WTF is up with Allison’s Jesus can’t they like be normal ass americans nooooooo they have to be werewolf hunter’s again another interesting aspect for next week’s episode is Scott gonna rat Derek out after he saved his ass how many times is it now? Well I just needed to rant a little about last night’s episode I’m up to anyone’s thoughts on this here subject.

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