im new to this who will sign for sure

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im new to this who will sign for sure

Post by 2007bucks »

Im new to this please help out as much as you can

how do you send the envelope?

what do you write to request a autograph?

who are the good signers? PLEASE TELL ME ANY THAT YOU KNOW

how do I find out when people are at a venue in advace so I can send it there in time?

how do I do it through e-mail?

where do I find e-mail addresses?

what studios can I write to for autos?

any and all help would be great cant wait to here from anyone thanks alot
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Re: im new to this who will sign for sure

Post by crystal815 »




Please search the forum, all of the answers can be found usually in a sticky. There is also a seperate forum for Via Venue collecting.

Thanks {up}
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Re: im new to this who will sign for sure

Post by Paigey012 »

Hey 2007bucks {up}

how do you send the envelope?
You can find celeb addresses that you want to send to by using the search bar at the top of the page. Just write the celeb address on the front of the envelope and add the postage. Include your letter or request, SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope - an envelope with YOUR address & postage on that you put inside the envelope addressed to the celeb.) and photos (if you are sending photos with your request) and pop it in the post box.

what do you write to request a autograph?
Start of by writing a little bit about yourself (name, age, intrests/hobbies..) and then go on to tell the celeb why your a fan of them, what music/episodes/movies you like of theres then at the end of the letter politley request an autograph by saying something like 'I know your really buisy but would you mind signing the pictures I have included and send them back to me using my SASE please?'

who are the good signers? PLEASE TELL ME ANY THAT YOU KNOW
There are far to many celebs that sign TTM to list them all. You can use the search bar at the top of the page to search for celebs you want to write to and search through there previous feedbacks.

how do I find out when people are at a venue in advace so I can send it there in time?
You can search Google or go onto the celebs official/fansite websites and there should be a tour list/live events calender that has the dates and venues on. You can request a celeb VV address in the 'Add/request a Via Venue address' fourm.

how do I do it through e-mail?
We do not give out email addresses on this site due to spamming but feel free to do your own reasearch to find email addresses that may work. Also, you can request pre printed autographs from Studio Fan Mail.

what studios can I write to for autos?
As I have said before, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to search for celebs/studios that you want to write to.

Good luck with your collecting and if you have anymore questions, feel free to PM me :D

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