weird Bob Dylan RTS

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Re: weird Bob Dylan RTS

Post by jrott »

Jaffer wrote:It's Dylan's handwriting, nough said. I have seen many Dylan poems at museums exhibits etc. You can google Dylan auctions and see his handwriting. That is Dylan's handwriting. Don't worry about what the nay-sayers say. It's his writing. You are VERY lucky my friend.
Did not know I am a nay-sayer, I guess when someone makes a claim of 100 percent certainty we should just keep silent and except the word?
Someone made a claim that it was 100 percent Bob Dylans handwriting. I stated my opinion that I disagree. Based on known examples of Dylans writing that I have come across. IMO he did not write this.
EVEN if I thought that he did, I would never make a claim like you or the other poster have made {down} You lose all credibility making statements like that.
"That is absolutely, 100% Bob Dylan's handwriting"
It's Dylan's handwriting, nough said
Don't worry about what the nay-sayers say. It's his writing.

Cant you see why someone would call you out on those claims?
Here are just a few known examples that I based my opinion on, in all the examples I have come across, BD handwriting is mainly print but he mixes in a few letters or words that are written in script
Original posters Envelope
BD handwriting
BD Handwriting 2
BD handwriting 3
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Re: weird Bob Dylan RTS

Post by slinky462 »

just to kind of update everyone who was curious about this. I got a message from the venue. She said she has no idea and that she was handed the envelope by the show promoter and told to just mail it out! So that means it atleast got to bob dylans posse. Ill keep you all updated on my findings
Sell a man a fish feed him for a day....teach a man how to fish, lose a steady customer!
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Re: weird Bob Dylan RTS

Post by velvetgold »

Are you a Ray Charles fan? Maybe he was trying to reach out to you...
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Re: weird Bob Dylan RTS

Post by panmanthe2nd »

I know this is an old post, but as it's Dylan's 70th birthday today (Happy Birthday Bob!) I thought it would be ok to reply.

I'm not 100% sure...but I think that it is Dylan's handwriting. And it's definitely his sense of humour! Well done!
velvetgold wrote:^Lucky, but then again, not so lucky... who really wants a Bob Dylan 'autograph' signed as Ray Charles? :? (No offense to the OP) You want a Dylan autograph signed as Dylan! When someone looks through your collection, they'll never know it's a Dylan.
I personally would love something like this (if it is really Dylan), because it's not just a standard response. It funny, and shows humour.

Well done for getting a reply! (When he tours the UK later this year I'm going to try to get something!)
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Re: weird Bob Dylan RTS

Post by bigman222 »

I hope this Ray Charles autograph makes it online again. I have never seen a photo of this legendary thing.

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