Russell Brand is a BURK!!!

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Russell Brand is a BURK!!!

Post by Dutchess »

Russell Brand is a BURK!!! I always liked him for his ‘can do’ attitude but he crossed the line with his comments on the royal family. How the hell would he like it if his own comments were directed at himself and his ‘pathetic’ family? He really is full of sh&t. Pick a cause that can fight back for reasons that will enhance the peoples’ lives – tourism for example will take a dramatic dip with no palaces or royals. The only other reason people ‘visit’ the UK is for the free bloody ride (why not attack that and those who take unfair advantage of it – instead of hard working royals?). People do not visit the UK for the bloody weather that’s for sure, or for the people. Brits used to be kind, funny people but they’re just fed up and negative all the time now and Russell is not helping. Why also are you promoting drug use when you’re supposed to be clean you hypocritical arse? You obviously know how many people it kills each year or is this your attempt at keeping the population down? Who the hell does he think he is so full of pomp and outrage? Opinionated little git, I tell you what, if you don’t have anything nice or constructive to add why don’t you just shut the hell up?
Disappointed and fedup!
10 June 2014
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Re: Russell Brand is a BURK!!!

Post by ScottishDan »

You'd be fun at a party :lol:

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