private email addresses

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Re: private email addresses

Post by supertoneman »

mwmiller wrote:

Instead of a flip answer, why don't you try to explain it. I've read the reasons that other give about trading, that's fine. I would imagine that all of the addresses on this site were at one time "unknown" and had to be found. The website has flourished because the addresses were shared, as a community we helped each other. How many addresses in the database have you used? If you want to keep your email addresses, fine. No big deal but asking for a "private address section" on this site, that's what I don't get. Refrain from the insulting comments and explain why that would be of interest to the collecting community. Thanks.
i myself have not done anything that i figure would be considered insulting. if you want an explanation of why a private address column would be helpful is the same reason that people use the via venue column. when someone posts via venue could that also be considered gloating also. not all of us on this site have access to these venues, just like not everyone has the private address. at least with a private address category it can give people a chance to get the address. therefore if a private address success is bragging and they should not be allowed then i believe that the via venues after they expire should not be posted either. granted the concerts can be found if needed, but those celebs who are only in the movies are not as predictable. if i have not made a valid point then it is just my opinion and people can take it or leave it. you asked for an explanation of how it would benefit the community, and if you think that the via venue is as fair as regular feedback then that is your opinion.
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Re: private email addresses

Post by dylans dad »

supertoneman, no one understood a couple months ago when we thought that would be a great idea and they are not gonna understand now. The adm. is happy with the way this crap goes on and on. Theres nothing we can say or do. But you already know that.
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Re: private email addresses

Post by supertoneman »

dylans dad wrote:supertoneman, no one understood a couple months ago when we thought that would be a great idea and they are not gonna understand now. The adm. is happy with the way this **** goes on and on. Theres nothing we can say or do. But you already know that.
i know, but the guy wanted an explaination. so i gave it to him.
Stay frosty 8)
Twins and Star Wars fan since the 80's.
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Re: private email addresses

Post by Miranda_123 »

pclemons22 wrote:
supertoneman wrote:
dylans dad wrote:supertoneman, no one understood a couple months ago when we thought that would be a great idea and they are not gonna understand now. The adm. is happy with the way this **** goes on and on. Theres nothing we can say or do. But you already know that.
i know, but the guy wanted an explaination. so i gave it to him.
You shouldn't have to explain it's a great idea.
It doesn't matter this topic is done

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