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Dame Helen Mirren Success

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 4:17 pm
by uba95
Dame Helen Mirren

Sent: LOR and SAE on April 05 2016

Address Used:
Helen Mirren
The Artists Partnership
101 Finsbury Pavement
London EC2A 1RS

Received: Got sent a lovely signed photo on 17 May 2016

Uploaded with surfmypictures

Re: Dame Helen Mirren Success

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 5:08 pm
by admin
Hi uba95 :)

Thank you for your feedback {up}

Would you have a scan of the envelope you received please?
If so, you are in the run for the $10 gift certificate.

{star} Helen Mirren on | Previous Feedback(s) Received

Fanmail 8)

Re: Dame Helen Mirren Success

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 1:08 pm
by uba95
Uwesimons wrote:Hello Uba95,

I've sent a stamped envelope to the same adress as you did and I just received an envelope back today.

I was happy when I opened it and got the Helen Mirren photo with the golden signature.....

I looked it up here in the database and ... you've got the EXACT SAME picture as I do....
Please have a look on the golden color down left corner. Over the TON
I've got exactly the same.

I made a picture with my mobile.... ... irren.jpeg

OK I received already printed pictures but there was a letter inside saying: Sorry.. bla bla this is a picture.
I'm really disappointed now!!!!

Maybe I'm wrong, please check if this is 100% the same... ( I don't think that will be possible for a hand and a pen to do the same....)

Best regards from Germany

Hi Yes Its a printed picture ,it is much easy for them to send out as Helen Mirren
is busy filming. {up}

Re: Dame Helen Mirren Success

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:24 am
by davey2017
I phoned the address for her in the database this morning-

The Artists Partnership
(Talent Agency)
101 Finsbury Pavement
London EC2A 1RS
Phone: +44(0)20 7439 1456

....... they told me they no longer represent her.