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Who should I write to?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:56 pm
by starreyes
I haven't gotten to send out many requests lately because of time, buuuut I am going to visit England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland over spring break and over the summer vacation and I wanted to send out some letter while I was there since it would cost less. Sooo, can anyone help me think of some people I should write to while I am there? I am already writing to Paul McCartney again even though he won't respond, probably George Martin. I'm mostly interested in musicians and actors, but a few athletes would be nice too. Any ideas for who I should consider?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:01 pm
by TheMailman
Well ICM London have clients such as Sean Bean, Daniel Craig, Ian McKellen and Rachel Weisz. You could try anyone who you are fan of who's with some popular London agencies :D