Disappointing response from Target Center, Minneapolis

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Disappointing response from Target Center, Minneapolis

Post by CaptnFreeze »

:( I emailed The Target center;

Do you foward fan mail to the performers? What is your policy.
Thank you for your time.

recieved a failry good response;


I'm sure we can do some. What event is this for? Please let me know
and I can help.

Thank you,

Target Center

Then I sent a follow up;

Can I send you a CD sleeve with a SASE for an autograph attempt?



Then the hammer fell;


What your best bet to do is the day of the concert you can stand by the entrance where the artist comes in. Sometimes they will stop and things like that.

Thank you,

Gee thanks alot........... {down}

Gotta keep trying. 8)

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Post by Emiley »

Aw I'm sorry about that! Maybe it was a different person who responded the last email =/ Good luck!
credit: f3istykid at livejournal
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Post by Joeay »

Well, I think you should have told them what event/person you wanna send to instead of asking about the CD sleeve..

And also I think you should explain to them you can't go to the actual event and that's why you wanna send a letter.
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Post by CaptnFreeze »

Thanks for the replies. Actually I did reply and say that I wanted to try to get autographs from Motely Crew and Aerosmith, who are playing there next week. After three days of no replies I sent the email I posted about sending the cd sleeve and the next day I had the bad news. You are right it was probaly someone that wanted to help but she probably got shut down. See below:

I would like to try tro get Aerosmith and Motley Crew sign a CD sleeve for each band. Do you think you can try? I can mail it out tomorrow night and it should arrive before the show.
This would be great if you can do anything! I can send the items to your attention and send the CD inserts and a self addressed stamped envlope.
Can you give me the address to send it to?


I was pretty excited to have someone eager to help. Oh well, it ain't the end of the world.

She's so Heavy but my son is carrying the weight of Freedom for all of us!


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