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Various Celebrities

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:18 pm
by Suzikane
Hi guys,

Here are some of my autographs....

Me and Aaron Ashmore at The London Expo 2011
He was incredibly sweet..and


Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly (Warehouse 13); I met them at The London Expo 2010

I have to say Eddie is just like his Character Pete! Joanne Kelly is sweet and really down to earth

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Colin Ferguson (Eureka): I met him at The London Expo 2010

Amazingly funny...and very entertaining...they all got dressed up for the "press"conference

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Justin Bruening (Knight Rider): I met him at The London Expo 2011

He's very sweet and icredibly gorgeous guy...and he really liked the present I gave him a chocolate J!!!!


Lucas Bryant (Haven): I've met him twice at The London Expo 2010 and 2011

Incredibly outgoing and funny guy..and always hungry for Stroopwafels :lol:

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Matthew Rhys (Brothers and Sisters/The Americans); I've met him a couple of times....I even got invited to a closed event...

World Premiere The Edge of Love 2008

I have to say...the ladies Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller were all covered with bodyguards ;-)
and Matthew just walked behind them...I later got to speak to him and I gave him a big bag of goodies...and letters from fans which they sent to me to give to him...

And to my big surprise 3 weeks later...I received these 2 in the mail...

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Underneath you can find several others...received at different events

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And something special here...

