George H. W. Bush authentic or autopen??????

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George H. W. Bush authentic or autopen??????

Post by AndreWGonawela »

Hello all,
I might have posted this before, but I would really like some help with this. I sent Pres. George H. W. Bush a 2 page letter and his book "Speaking of Freedom". Two months later I got it back with a bookplate inside, which I believe to be authentic. But some people have said its an autopen. But I'm not so sure. It doesn't seem to show ny characteristics of an autopen, like the dots, and I have not found any similar looking signatures over the interwebs, and the main template I have seen looks different. So I'd really like some opinions, and if you think it's an autopen, could you perhaps please post the autopen template you think it's from?
Autographs owned: Margaret Thatcher, Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George W. Bush (TTM), George H. W. Bush (1 TTM, 1 Bought), Jimmy Carter (1 TTM, 2 In-Person), Dick Cheney (In-Person), Al Gore (In-Person) Buzz Aldrin (In Person), Michael Dukakis (In-Person), Newt Gingrich (In-Person), Rand Paul, Vicente Fox, Jeb Bush, Ron Paul (TTM: Email), Eric Cantor, Chandrika Kumaratunga (In-Person), Ari Fleschier

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