Paul McCartney Failure

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Paul McCartney Failure

Post by FrankTheFanmailFreak »

Yesterday, a letter was delivered to my mailbox saying to go and pick up a parcel. I had no idea who or what it was from, so when I saw the SASE that I sent, I just about crapped myself. Paul McCartney via venue. I had sent it to him on the 16th of November and he was playing on the 29th. I knew I had plenty of time. Anyways, I opened my SASE, and saw a letter from his security guy. Crap. I was so excited, and then my dreams were crushed. Oh well. Ob ladi ob la da, life goes on.
The weird part is that I sent it to Edmonton, and the SASE said Vancouver. Weird.

Two other successes today, Detroit Red Wings Fan Pack, and Patrick McKenna

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