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Michael Hunter (Aerobatics Pilot) Success

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:04 pm
by Nissaea
contact via: in person
address used: First Annual California Capitol Airshow - Mather Field Airport Rancho Cordova, CA
sent on: 3-18-06 in person
rec'vd on: 3-18-06 in person

Michael Hunter is the only insulin dependent aerobatics pilot in the world. The second he took air and the announcer told of his story I was hooked and greatly inspired. I myself am a type II diabetic and I was in awe of his strength and determination. The announcer mentioned a meet & greet at the Flight for Diabetes booth after he landed and I of course jumped up and made my way through the massive crowd to meet him. It's safe to say that he made a fan in me that day.



