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Mike Nesmith from The Monkees???

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:50 pm
by stramming
I sent to him maybe 2 or 3 months back, and I haven't recieved a reply. I included a CD jacket, so I'll be bummed if my CD case will be naked for now on :lol: Has anyone had a success with Mike?

Re: Mike Nesmith from The Monkees???

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:35 pm
by mikenesmithfan
I was able to get Mike Nesmith's autograph(twice) by purchasing items at his website, Videoranch, He will sign any items you buy from the website. I don't know if you sent him Monkees items or his solo items, but I believe you would have a better shot at getting his autograph by sending him CD jackets of his solo music rather than the Monkees. Hope you hear back from him soon.

Re: Mike Nesmith from The Monkees???

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:16 am
by stramming
mikenesmithfan wrote:I was able to get Mike Nesmith's autograph(twice) by purchasing items at his website, Videoranch, He will sign any items you buy from the website. I don't know if you sent him Monkees items or his solo items, but I believe you would have a better shot at getting his autograph by sending him CD jackets of his solo music rather than the Monkees. Hope you hear back from him soon.
Thanks! :D

Re: Mike Nesmith from The Monkees???

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:39 pm
by topsignatures
He is the worst one in the group by far about signing. He's a terrible in person signer, so I can't imagine his signing habits would be any different if you mailed something. I can see him doing it for money though.