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Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:44 pm
by BigKahuna73
I am in the process of putting together a special project by trying my best to obtain all living former presidential cabinet members. I have also decided to get Surgeon Generals, White House Counsels, White House Chiefs of Staff, National Security Advisors, and Press Secretaries. Some addresses were easy to find, and some I went through A LOT of trouble to locate myself. The ones I currently have are in bold. If you have any I am in need of and want to trade PM me. I will trade presidents or anybody for them I am including a list below of all the information here:

LYNDON B. JOHNSON (1963-1969)

Ramsey Clark - Attorney General
W. Marvin Watson - Postmaster General (last surviving)
Alan S. Boyd - Sec. of Transportation


Harry McPherson - White House Counsel
Larry Eugene Temple - White House Counsel

Bill Moyers - Press Secretary

RICHARD NIXON (1969-1974)

Henry Kissinger - Sec. of State
George P. Shultz - Sec. of Treasury/Sec. of Labor
Melvin Laird - Sec. of Defense
James R. Schlesinger - Sec. of Defense
Peter G. Peterson - Sec. of Commerce
Frederick B. Dent - Sec. of Commerce
James D. Hodgson - Sec. of Labor


Henry Kissinger - National Security Advisor

Jesse Leonard Steinfeld - Surgeon General

John Dean - White House Counsel

Donald Rumsfeld - White House Chief of Staff
Dick Cheney - White House Chief of Staff

GERALD FORD (1974-1977)

Henry Kissinger - Sec. of State
James R. Schlesinger - Sec. of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld - Sec. of Defense
John A. Knebel - Sec. of Agriculture
Frederick B. Dent - Sec. of Commerce
William Usery, Jr - Sec. of Labor
F. David Mathews - Sec. of Health, Education, and Welfare
Carla Anderson Hills - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
William T. Coleman, Jr. - Sec. of Transportation


Ron Nessen - Press Secretary

William E. Casselman, II - White House Counsel

Henry Kissinger - National Security Advisor
Brent Scowcroft - National Security Advisor

JIMMY CARTER (1977-1981)

Walter Mondale - Vice President

W. Michael Blumenthal - Sec. of Treasury
Harold Brown - Sec. of Defense
Benjamin R. Civiletti - Attorney General
Cecil D. Andrus - Sec. of Interior
Robert Bergland - Sec. of Agriculture
Ray Marshall - Sec. of Labor
Joseph A. Califano, Jr. - Sec. of Health, Education, and Welfare
Moon Landrieu - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
Neil E. Goldschmidt - Sec. of Transportation
James R. Schlesinger - Sec. of Energy
Charles Duncan, Jr. - Sec. of Energy
Shirley Hufstedler - Sec. of Education


Jack Watson - White House Chief of Staff

Zbigniew Brzezinski - National Security Advisor

RONALD REAGAN (1981-1989)

George H.W. Bush - Vice President

George P. Shultz - Sec. of State
James A. Baker, III - Sec. of Treasury
Nicholas F. Brady - Sec. of Treasury
Frank Carlucci - Sec. of Defense
Edwin Meese - Attorney General
Dick Thornburgh - Attorney General
James G. Watt - Sec. of Interior
William P. Clark, Jr. - Sec. of Interior
Don Hodel - Sec. of Interior/Sec. of Energy (will not sign)
John R. Block - Sec. of Agriculture
Ray Donovan - Sec. of Labor
Bill Brock - Sec. of Labor
Ann McLaughlin Korologos - Sec. of Labor
Richard Schweiker - Sec. of Health and Human Services
Margaret Heckler - Sec. of Health and Human Services
Otis R. Bowen - Sec. of Health and Human Services
Andrew L. Lewis, Jr. - Sec. of Transportation
Elizabeth Dole - Sec. of Transportation
James H. Burnley, IV - Sec. of Transportation
James B. Edwards - Sec. of Energy
John S. Herrington - Sec. of Energy
Bill Bennett - Sec. of Education


James Brady - Press Secretary
Larry Speakes - Press Secretary
Marlin Fitzwater - Press Secretary

Fred Fielding - White House Counsel
Peter J. Wallison - White House Counsel
Arthur B. Culvahouse, Jr. - White House Counsel

C. Everett Koop - Surgeon General

James A. Baker, III - White House Chief of Staff
Howard Baker - White House Chief of Staff
Kenneth Duberstein - White House Chief of Staff

Richard V. Allen - National Security Advisor
William P. Clark, Jr. - National Security Advisor
Robert C. McFarlane - National Security Advisor
John Poindexter - National Security Advisor
Frank Carlucci - National Security Advisor
Colin Powell - National Security Advisor

GEORGE H.W. BUSH (1989-1993)

Dan Quayle - Vice President

James A. Baker, III - Sec. of State
Lawrence Eagleburger - Sec. of State
Nicholas F. Brady - Sec. of Treasury
Dick Cheney - Sec. of Defense
Dick Thornburgh - Attorney General
William Barr - Attorney General
Manuel Lujan, Jr. - Sec. of Interior
Clayton K. Yeutter - Sec. of Agriculture
Barbara Franklin - Sec. of Commerce
Elizabeth Dole - Sec. of Labor
Lynn Morley Martin - Sec. of Labor
Louis Wade Sullivan - Sec. of Health and Human Services
Samuel Skinner - Sec. of Transportation
Andy Card - Sec. of Transportation
James D. Watkins - Sec. of Energy
Lauro Cavazos - Sec. of Education
Lamar Alexander - Sec. of Education
Ed Derwinski - Sec. of Veterans Affairs


Marlin Fitzwater - Press Secretary

Antonia Novello - Surgeon General

C. Boyden Gray - White House Counsel

John H. Sununu - White House Chief of Staff
Samuel Skinner - White House Chief of Staff
James A. Baker, III - White House Chief of Staff

Brent Scowcroft - National Security Advisor

BILL CLINTON (1993-2001)

Al Gore - Vice President

Warren Christopher - Sec. of State
Madeleine Albright - Sec. of State
Robert Rubin - Sec. of Treasury
Lawrence Summers - Sec. of Treasury
William Perry - Sec. of Defense
Bill Cohen - Sec. of Defense
Janet Reno - Attorney General
Bruce Babbitt - Sec. of Interior
Mike Espy - Sec. of Agriculture
Dan Glickman - Sec. of Agriculture
Mickey Kantor - Sec. of Commerce
William M. Daley - Sec. of Commerce
Norman Mineta - Sec. of Commerce
Robert Reich - Sec. of Labor
Alexis Herman - Sec. of Labor
Donna Shalala - Sec. of Health and Human Services (will not sign)
Henry Cisneros - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
Andrew Cuomo - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
Federico Peña - Sec. of Transportation/Sec. of Energy
Rodney E. Slater - Sec. of Transportation
Hazel O'Leary - Sec. of Energy
Bill Richardson - Sec. of Energy
Richard W. Riley - Sec. of Education
Togo D. West, Jr. - Sec. of Veterans Affairs


Dee Dee Myers - Press Secretary
George Stephanopoulos - Press Secretary
Mike McCurry - Press Secretary
Joe Lockhart - Press Secretary
Jake Siewert - Press Secretary

Anthony Lake - National Security Advisor
Sandy Berger - National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice- National Security Advisor
Stephen Hadley - National Security Advisor

Joycelyn Elders - Surgeon General
David Satcher - Surgeon General

Bernard W. Nussbaum - White House Counsel
Abner J. Mikva - White House Counsel
Jack Quinn - White House Counsel
Lanny Davis - White House Counsel
Beth Nolan - White House Counsel

Mack McLarty - White House Chief of Staff
Leon Panetta - White House Chief of Staff
Erskine Bowles - White House Chief of Staff
John Podesta - White House Chief of Staff

George W. Bush (2001-2009)

Dick Cheney - Vice President

Colin Powell - Sec. of State
Condoleezza Rice - Sec. of State
Paul O'Neill - Sec. of Treasury
John W. Snow - Sec. of Treasury
Henry Paulson - Sec. of Treasury
Donald Rumsfeld - Sec. of Defense
Robert Gates - Sec. of Defense
John Ashcroft - Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales - Attorney General
Michael B. Mukasey - Attorney General
Gale Norton - Sec. of Interior
Dirk Kempthorne - Sec. of Interior
Ann Veneman - Sec. of Agriculture
Mike Johanns - Sec. of Agriculture
Ed Schafer - Sec. of Agriculture
Donald Evans - Sec. of Commerce
Carlos M. Gutierrez - Sec. of Commerce
Elaine Chao - Sec. of Labor
Tommy Thompson - Sec. of Health and Human Services
Mike Leavitt - Sec. of Health and Human Services
Mel Martinez - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
Alphonso Jackson - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
Steve Preston - Sec. of Housing and Urban Development
Norman Mineta - Sec. of Transportation
Mary Peters - Sec. of Transportation
Spencer Abraham - Sec. of Energy
Samuel W. Bodman - Sec. of Energy
Rod Paige - Sec. of Education
Margaret Spellings - Sec. of Education (will not sign)
Anthony Principi - Sec. of Veterans Affairs
Jim Nicholson - Sec. of Veterans Affairs
James Peake - Sec. of Veterans Affairs
Tom Ridge - Sec. of Homeland Security
Michael Chertoff - Sec. of Homeland Security


Ari Fleischer - Press Secretary
Scott McClellan - Press Secretary
Dana Perino - Press Secretary

David Satcher - Surgeon General
Richard Carmona - Surgeon General

Alberto Gonzales - White House Counsel
Harriet Miers - White House Counsel
Fred Fielding - White House Counsel

Andy Card - White House Chief of Staff
Joshua Bolten - White House Chief of Staff

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:06 pm
by BigKahuna73
Today brought me Lyndon Baines Johnson President of the United States!!!!

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:53 pm
by BigKahuna73
Today brought George Shultz If you have an address for somebody I don't have or would like to trade PM me

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:43 pm
by BigKahuna73
Today I got Zbigniew Brzezinski national security advisor for Jimmy Carter

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:14 am
by BigKahuna73
Today brought W. Michael Blumenthal, Dick Thornburgh, and Brent Scowcroft check out my website and if you want to trade or have mailing addresses I need email me at

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 3:43 pm
by BigKahuna73
I got Andrew Card today White House Chief of Staff for George W. Bush

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 12:09 am
by BigKahuna73
I can cross of Edwin Meese today. I am very happy with this one!!!

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:34 pm
by BigKahuna73
I got Clayton Yeutter today secretary of agriculture for George H. W. Bush

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 1:34 am
by BigKahuna73
Got Elizabeth Dole and Willaim Cohen today. I am excited about the Dole.

Re: Project Former Cabinet Members

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:26 pm
by timsaucier
I have addresses of John Podesta,Andy Card,Dee Dee Myers,Josh Bolten,Mike Mccury all addreses have workd within the 3 months- Let me know if are you interested. I be happy to trade addresses with you.