What NBA players sign TTM? (please help!)

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What NBA players sign TTM? (please help!)

Post by simsmeboy »

I know that people say just send to people and see what you can get but i dont want to waste the time and money sending to someone who isent going to sign and i know Dirk does but i want to know a list or a few names of current NBA players that sign TTM. THANK YOU!!
Fav Inperson's- Shaquille O'neal and Ozzie Smith
Fav ttm's- Joey Votto and Bear Grylls
Most wanted- Derrek Lee and Wiz Khalifa
Frendliest Inperson- Delonte West
Fastest ttm- Orlando Hudson 7 Days!
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Re: What NBA players sign TTM? (please help!)

Post by knicksfannumba1 »

So far this year, I have had success with these players and head coaches:

Shane Battier
George Karl
Paul Millsap
Anderson Varejao
Danny Granger
Tyler Hansbrough
Jimmer Fredette
Dirk Nowitzki-I'll put him down even tho he is a Mav
Andre Miller
Andrew Bogut
Chris Kaman
Mark Jackson

Also some legendary Players who are currently GM's

Joe Dumars
Jerry West
John Stockton
And Bob McAdoo
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Re: What NBA players sign TTM? (please help!)

Post by mumu1887 »

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New technology is great, if you can use it. Sometimes things are so new and nobody is quite ready for it and it falls out of the public eye for a little while. Before the current MP3 format, different companies tried it back in the mid nineties, but the public wasn't ready to take the new technology and run with it. First of all, people were still used to having a hard copy of their music, downloading it just seemed weird. So because the technology seemed strange and they couldn't see the value in it, the technology hung out a little longer than it should have before exploding in popularity. When Apple introduced the first IPod and people began to see the positives and benefits of having a digital format, they began to think of actually purchasing it in that format. But they needed a user friendly way to get started and IPod did that for them. It is the same with 3D technology for your home television. When people begin to accept that it is a normal thing to watch television in 3D with big plastic glasses, they will be more receptive to buying it. The longer the technology is out there, the more likely people will begin to adapt it. But in a couple of years it is still not selling, then maybe manufacturer will begin to question whether or not they want to push the technology any longer. It will then go the way of the Laserdisc or Beta tapes and fall into the obscure realms that old technology disappears to. That's not to say that the technology isn't great and watching television in 3D isn't cool, but sometimes just being cool isn't enough to sell the product and sometimes, such as the case with Apple, it is. A lot of times it depends on who is buying the technology. If it is seen as a young person's technology then it has a good chance of becoming part of the mainstream because that is the demographic which influences other people greatly. And of course, young people have nothing better to spend their money on and pester their parents about. Plus, it's all about fitting in and if everybody else is listening to their music on an IPod, then that is going to be the method of choice for everybody else. And God help the parent that puts the wrong brand under the Christmas tree.
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Re: What NBA players sign TTM? (please help!)

Post by simsmeboy »

thanks for the help knicksfannumba1!!!

and mumu1887 please do not post that on my post's
Fav Inperson's- Shaquille O'neal and Ozzie Smith
Fav ttm's- Joey Votto and Bear Grylls
Most wanted- Derrek Lee and Wiz Khalifa
Frendliest Inperson- Delonte West
Fastest ttm- Orlando Hudson 7 Days!

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