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Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Letter :(

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:23 pm
by Ravenclawking97
Sent 4/1/12

2 sets of 3 photos (1 for me and 1 for my brother)
2 Trading cards

Recieved 9/1/12
1 Photo signed (unpersonalised)
1 trading card signed (unpersonalised
Questionaire unfilled in
My other photos and cards unsigned
A two page A5 letter which reads :
Dear Mr *******,
Enclosed please find your own photos I have autographed two for you. How did you find my address? Obviously it was put on the internet by some “FAN” without my permission. Now I get letters from all over the world. How much time of mine is consumed in replying? A Lot! Though there is NOTHING i can ask, I notice that “FANS” get lots of money trading signed photos on the net. I do not see loyal fans. The truth is that most of them are chancers looking for free money. I no longer supply photos. I wonder why I even need to sign autographs.
It is nice for you I suppose, to have a hobby that you love to spend time on and enjoy. It may amaze you to learn that most adults and working teenagers are too busy making a living to be bothered with it. How many people who were involved in the making of the H.P films? Almost 2000. How many of them can you send bundles of autograph requests directly to their homes? Almost NONE. I dislike the inventiveness of complete strangers demanding my time and attention as if it was a free service to anyone with an internet connection – worldwide.
Please don’t bother me again.
Happy New Year
Please tell me if I have done anything wrong as I don’t know what I’ve done to upset him. I had seen many successes from this address so assumed that it was valid an

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:43 pm
by cineramax
What a snotty git lol !

Can't imagine he gets 1000s of requests all the time anyway, and if he doesn't want to sign, just bin them. Obviously he's not too busy to write grumpy letters !

Maybe some people do get annoyed with their home addresses being used, but surely you can just throw the letters away and the mail would stop, rather than writing back moaning to the people, who, at the end of the day, go to watch your films, and thus pay your wages !

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:51 pm
by parlamentetfanErik
What the Hell?

If he doesn't like fanmail coming to his private home adress why does he bother to answer them with a rude letter like this? I agree with cineramax,

the directors of Harry Potter found the right Uncle Vernon lol

it would be hallarius if you wrote back and thanking him for the angry letter, he would be like W T F :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll guess that it was the huge staff of item you wanted signed that bumped him up, but don't take it personally I'll guess that it's in him

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:54 pm
by Big Ben
Congrats on your success and sorry for your bad reply. I'm sure it wasn't you who annoyed him, but the huge amount of fan mail being sent to his home does annoy him. He seem to be unable to handle the amount of requests and so he picked you out to vent his anger. Don't take it personally ;-) . Also, he's known for his rude replies :lol:

Are you able to upload some pics of the auto and the letter?

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:56 pm
LOL, WOW! What a reply! I'm seeing more and more why he was cast for his role! I think it just comes naturally! :lol: He does make two valid points though, which I keep telling people, but they refuse to listen. #1 people really dislike their private home address posted all over, which is why I hate seeing when people ask for all these home addresses all the time. {down} If they have an agency or a fanmail address set up, write to them there, that's why they have one. No need to send to home addresses, just because people think they'll get a quicker reply.

and #2, people selling and trading photos like he said. Celebrities aren't dumb, they can get on Ebay & all these autograph sites and see all the ones that are on there, and I'm sure a lot of them check quite often. That's why most celebs are 'rude' about signing autographs, because they don't know if their really a fan, or just someone out to make a quick buck because of their popularity status. {down} Dealers and sellers/traders are the downfall of this hobby and it amazes me why 90% of them still haven't figured that out. :neutral:

Congrats on the success though, very unique to say the least! I wouldn't feel bad about the angry letter though, that's just Richard. :lol:


Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:07 pm
by Harold
Lol. Mr. Griffiths is very strange. Once is here nice and personalised success with nice letter, another time somebody gets scoled, because someone, who isn't from UK enclosed IRC instead stamps and he MUST goes to 17 miles distant post. It's terrible. It looks as people must "love" him in Stratford.

P.S: BTW, it isn't nice from him that he's morose on teen, which than teen WANTS only signed and personalised photos. And last thing. Are in Stratford post box/es? I mean they're. Only Mr. Griffiths is little lazybones or I don't know.

Other, enjoy your success :)

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:26 pm
by parlamentetfanErik
RYAN-J wrote:LOL, WOW! What a reply! I'm seeing more and more why he was cast for his role! I think it just comes naturally! :lol: He does make two valid points though, which I keep telling people, but they refuse to listen. #1 people really dislike their private home address posted all over, which is why I hate seeing when people ask for all these home addresses all the time. {down} If they have an agency or a fanmail address set up, write to them there, that's why they have one. No need to send to home addresses, just because people think they'll get a quicker reply.

and #2, people selling and trading photos like he said. Celebrities aren't dumb, they can get on Ebay & all these autograph sites and see all the ones that are on there, and I'm sure a lot of them check quite often. That's why most celebs are 'rude' about signing autographs, because they don't know if their really a fan, or just someone out to make a quick buck because of their popularity status. {down} Dealers and sellers/traders are the downfall of this hobby and it amazes me why 90% of them still haven't figured that out. :neutral:

Congrats on the success though, very unique to say the least! I wouldn't feel bad about the angry letter though, that's just Richard. :lol:


His Agency pass on fanmail to his private adress, a friend of mine send some stuff for him to sign and a SAE but he got a angry letter back as well :roll:

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:06 pm
by JessWythe
Gosh he can be so rude sometimes! I guess he just couldn't be bothered to sign all the photos? :(

I wrote a letter a few months ago and drew a sketch of him and he wrote a nice letter on the back of the piece of cardboard which I'd used to prevent the envelope from bending haha!

Sorry for your disappointing success, at least you got the autograph :D

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:18 pm
by ScottishDan
LOL! This is quite funny! When writing to Richard Griffiths you should always ask him to personalise the photos that way he may think you're a genuine fan! 8)

Re: Richard Griffiths Dissapointing Success avec Angry Lette

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:23 pm
by Ravenclawking97
I wouldn't of sent to this address had I not seen tens of success's from it. I have not seen a single success from a "fanmail" address. I suppose I should of looked into it further but oh well. I normally send a "Thank you" card to every celebrity that replies so I was thinking of sending one but he did say "Do not bother me again". If he's trying to stop traders then surely he should personalise them as I asked (three to me and three to my brother)? He did reply in a very short time and as I sent it 2nd class and my SASE had a 2nd class stamp on it. He must of replied as soon as it was delivered. Also he says that most people don't have time to "bother" but because it was the school holidays I sent out a batch! Sorry if I've ruined his address. Will be interesting to see any future replies I think? Thanks for all your comments