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Would this be rude?...

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:50 pm
by Lucky Lorri
Just a quick question, do any of you think it'd be rude to put a note in with my letter of requests just saying that if it's autopen or secretarial not to bother sending back to me? At the end of the day i'd just like to think of it as time saving for the celeb's secretary, but i'm worried it'd come across as being rude... Any thoughts on this? I'd obviously word my note in the nicest possible way. Everyone's comments to this will be much appreciated.

Re: Would this be rude?...

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:06 pm
by katty1989
hmm i guess you can just be real carefull how you put it in your letter other wise you might not get a reply and have it sent back to you. you could try putting a possit note on it for sacurtery stating that you would realy appriate it if you could pass this on to the celebrity in the nicest way you can then put thank you for your time at end.

Re: Would this be rude?...

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:07 pm
by dueby_boys
yeah that would be rude because thn they think that your gonna sell!

Re: Would this be rude?...

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:09 am
by osiris
If you word it correctly, you may get away with it. A post-it note on the item is a good idea. Saying something like "I am aware due to time constraints, preprints or secretarial autographs may be sent to fans. I appreciate X's busy shedule and would politely request that if he/she is unable to sign my item personally that it be returned to me unsigned."

Re: Would this be rude?...

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:44 pm
by dueby_boys
i still wouldnt say that.

Re: Would this be rude?...

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:35 pm
by Lucky Lorri
Thanks everyone, my point is really coming across correctly.

The only intention I would have is to save the Secretary's time, I was just thinking about the amount of times a day they'd have to sign or autopen something, and I thought that it may have been appreciated getting something to say that they didn't have to do it.

I know myself it's the wording that counts, and each to their own, I know most people wouldn't want to write anything like that in case they either seem ungrateful or they'd make the Secretary/Celeb feel that they may sell a real autograph. I would hope that wouldn't be the case if I wrote something as I like my auto's to be personalised, there wouldn't be much point in someone requesting a personalised autograph if their only intention was to sell it and I would hope that'd be obvious to anyone.

Again thanks for the replies, something for me to think about {up}