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New to this charity stuff. Question

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:27 pm
by DodgersMom
I have this great idea, and quite original I think for my new charity I have started.
I would love to get some celebrity help for the auction etc but do I need anything specific? I mean do I need to send a letter about my chairty and all the info or just a letter explaining what I am doing?
Do I need to sent it to a certain address or just regular fan mail.... do you need a agent to do this?


Re: New to this charity stuff. Question

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:23 am
by rachael
Hi. From charity auctions I have won in the past, that tend to come with the original request letter, I have noticed they normally just put a couple of lines about the charity, specify that the item received (from the celeb) will 100% go towards the charity, then they include a link to the website they have set up for the charity (so the agent or celeb can investigate more if they wish). I would tend to request through the agent or manager and not the celebrity if possible, though I don't think it would make that much difference (it just seems politer). I would also suggest when you sell, if any have sent back the original request letter or have sent a note, auction those off with the signed piece. You'll get more money for the charity.

Oh, and make sure it IS a registered charity before you start, or you're messing things up for yourself before you even begin.

Good luck!

Re: New to this charity stuff. Question

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:06 am
by fromuk2014
I would include a letter detailing the charity you're raising funds for in all ways possible.

The two posts above as the reason this forum needs better spam protection!

Re: New to this charity stuff. Question

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 7:52 am
by nawaz
this is very nice post