I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

You can also post suggestions, comments to the fanmail.biz database managers here. Do not post your feedback here. Do not request a celebrity address here.
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I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

Post by marcus1892 »

I'm new to this whole autograph collecting thing. Can anybody give me some advice on how to get started?!
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Re: I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

Post by DanaRenoMBA »

1 decide whose autograph you want to have.
2 find a mailing address (agency addresses are easiest to find / search the data base).
3 write (I always print because it's easier to read) a LOR (letter of request) be polite and respectfully make your request.
4 address the envelope.
5 enclose your A: LOR B: item that you want signed C: SASE.
6 put it in the mail box.
7 wait patiently for your letter carrier deliver your autograph.
I have been asked many times about trading / selling some of my autographs. I am sorry but my collection is not and will not be for sale.

Re: I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

Post by dueby_boys »

here are what all the abbreviations means:

Three MAIN Tips:

1. Always include an SASE (Self Addresses STAMPED Envelope)...THIS will make your chances better at getting back a signed photo or a response.

2. Be Patent! (These things can come back quick however some can take YEARS to get...)

3. Do research before sending anything. If you dont want a fake signed photo (An AP which is done by a machine, A PP that is a copy, or a sec which is done by a secretary) do research BEFORE sending it so you dont end up waiting and getting a fake photo..

Sincerly DUEBY! =)
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Re: I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

Post by packrat »

marcus1892 wrote:Can anybody give me some advice on how to get started?!
I would suggest you begin at the beginning. Read, read, read. Then read some more. Learn how to do your research.

If you start by reading the stickied topics in this forum and the collecting help forum you will be off to a good start. You wouldn't bake a cake for the first time without a recipe, right? Same thing applies here.
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Re: I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

Post by HappinessStan »

Welcome! I've found this to be a friendly and fascinating place, with a vast archive of knowledge and experience. Really can't stress enough how useful just browsing through the replies on this board and Feedback have been for me.

Agree with all of the above, plus:

Write to people you like. Start by writing to people you not only like, but who have a good reputation for replying fairly quickly. The letters will be much easier to write and you'll be heartened and encouraged by early successes.

Don't send a letter which wouldn't make you feel better if you received it yourself.

Don't get too hung up on getting a reply, treat it as an exercise in saying something nice to someone you admire, and look upon the reply as a bonus.

You could go mad trying to apply logic or mathematics to the process of receiving replies; if yours doesn't come back in the same batch as "everyone else" on here then it is likely that it will come back in the next lot, or the lot after that, or in four years time.

If someone always sends an autopen, secretarial, pre-print, refusal or request for money then that is what you will get.

If you've got an address but there's no feedback on here or other boards then it's worth firing off a letter. I've had successes from quite big names where there is no feedback on here, which I put down to following the first point I made.

Enjoy it.
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Re: I'm new, can you help me out?? :)

Post by marcus1892 »

Thanks for the help everyone!!!

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