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Jason Marsden IP success

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 4:58 am
by celebfan2709
met in person: 4/9/21

When I heard that Jason Marsden and Jim Cummings were going to be at the Huntsville Comic and Pop Culture Expo from April 9-11 at the Von Braun Center, I wanted take the opportunity to see them in person even though I already received their autographs by mail years ago. First, I needed someone at my work (the Cinemark movie theater on Bridge Street) to cover my Friday shift, then I needed my dad's financial support for the ticket. When I got there, I noticed that Jason Marsden was there, but Jim Cummings was not. There was note at the table where he was supposed saying due to flight issues, Jim will only be at the Expo on Saturday and Sunday. So went I went up to Jason Marsden and had a nice friendly chat, told him that I received his autograph by mail back in 2008, that I want to be voice actor like him and Jim Cummings and all the other voice actors I managed to receive autographs from through the mail throughout the years, and that I liked him for voicing the following characters: Max in A Goofy Movie and An Extremely Goofy Movie, Haku in Spirited Away, and Kovu in The Lion King II: Simba's Pride and 2 episodes of The Lion Guard. I then told Jason about how much I wanted to see Jim in person and that I'm facing a dilemma after finding out he will be there on Saturday and Sunday. My dad won't help me pay for another ticket and I have my work schedule to keep. So Jason talked with someone who works at the Expo about my situation and they were kind enough to give me a weekend pass (which is $60) free of charge, so now I won't have to pay for another ticket when I come again to the Expo so I can see Jim and make I have plenty of time at the event and then give myself enough time to get to my work. So I paid $50 for a new autograph and a selfie. I will post my IP success with Jim Cummings tomorrow when I get a chance because it's getting late. I hope you like the picture. ... jz0js.html