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How did you start?

Post by tinker_mel »

How did you guys start collecting autographs??

I wanted The Stereophonics autograph and just wrote the one letter.

Then I sent off the odd letter for friends birthdays.

And then around a month ago now I just slowly started collecting.

It kicked off majorly when I decided to quit smoking 2/3 weeks ago.

So far it's worked!!

Each time I fancy a cig, I just write another letter!

Mind you, writing and sending off the letters has cost me more than smoking lol

How did you guys start? {up}
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Post by rpbluesman »

Congrats in quitting smoking {clap}

Good Luck with you autograph collecting.

I started with Jay Leno, and then just went form there.
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Post by Aragil »

That's a good therapy you're using! {up}

Now as for how I started...

I love the Lord of the Rings books, films, music, actors, everything... For years it's been my huge passion and what I love the most! I love all the actors/actresses of the trilogy; I can't get enough of watching their interviews in the Extended Editions and they are like role models to me and I esteem them as much as friends!

When I was doing the usual thing of getting lost in LotR fansites and saw a list of addresses and that actors actually answered fanmail - something I wasn't aware of - I decided I would share with my idols how much I admire them.

I started slowly and got 4 autographs, not only from LotR. For months I forgot about fanmail and then this year, when I received a Gandalf drawing made especially for me from John Howe, I got back to fanmail determined to dedicate my time to it!

So now that my beginner phase has gone by, I'm striving to write to all LotR and Lost actors and also the actors I really like :D
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Post by ozzman »

mine is a funny story. I had a dream that I was recieving autograph photos in the mail but I didnt know who the people were sending them to me. So I got up in the middle of the night and found this site. Thats how I got started. I bet this tops most peoples beginnings. When I told my friends about it they all laughed at me except for one. He told me to go for it and he would help if I needed it. so there you have it.
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Post by tinker_mel »

Those are great stories!!

It's always intresting to find out how people start!

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Post by charmed_babe3 »

I really liked Charmed and I wrote a letter to Alyssa Milano saying how much I liked her and the show. I wasn't expecting a reply because I didn't ask for an autograph but she sent me one. I was so happy with it I started writing to other celebrities i liked.
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Post by KellyMBel »

I started when I was on a WB message bored and I went to someones home page that had all of their autographs. Before that I didn't know you could get autographs through the mail. Well, anyway when I saw that you could get Beverly Mitchell, and some other 7th Heaven cast members I immediatly started writing letters. Too bad I haven't gotten Beverly yet :( .
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Post by Dubsbball14 »

I got a book a couple of years ago and got 3 autographs. Then I stopped and a few months ago I found this site and got back into it.
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Post by Joey »

Mine is sort of related to Aragil's. Like her, I am a huge fan of something, but not LoTR. I am a huge fan of the musical "RENT," and I was browsing the official website of a cast member one day when I noticed she had an address. So, with no previous autograph collecting knowledge, I wrote a short letter, wrote my address on a 6x9 envelope, put a stamp on it, and stuck it all in a 9x12 envelope.

Two weeks later I had my first autograph, from Daphne Rubin-Vega.

I have been sending letters out ever since, and I now have almost 30 successes. (I know it's not a lot compared to many people on this forum, but I think it's pretty good for only a couple months of collecting!)

And I agree with tinker_mel, it's very interesting to hear how you all started collecting {up} :D
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Post by Chrissy »

After watching Harry Potter and having a crush on Oliver Wood i decided to write to Sean Biggerstaff the actor who plays Oliver. I saw his fanmail on his website and was all "sure, why not?" and i gave it a go! The great thing about my first success is that it only took 14 days and i was terribly excited when i received it back! From then on i kept collecting autographs from the Harry Potter cast but then stopped due to school and started back up in collecting sometime last year!!

Whew, thats my story!!

Chrissy :D
Thank you -Lil1- for the siggie set!

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