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Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:03 am
by alexandra
So yesterday there was this concert with a WHOLE bunch of bands including August Burns Red/The casting Out/etc. But I got to meet the lead singer from August Burns Red&I asked him if he could give me his autograph&his band also. &He went to the back and got their autographs :] I was so happy. Then I got to meet the lead singer from The Casting Out. &it was funny he was squirting our group with water guns, and he was talking and hanging out with us . I asked him if I could have his autograph . and then later on he ended up getting me Bring Me The Horizons autograph and "random people" but then I looked at the paper and he also got the rest of his bands autograph :] It was an awesome night !

If anyone wants to see pics just say so :]