What do I need to include in my envelope?

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What do I need to include in my envelope?

Post by KellyMBel »

Many questions have been asked about this topic. But basically, it is up to you! Here are the things I recommend sending.

Photo of any size*
IRC* (depends on if you are sending a letter outside of your country and want to increase the chances of getting a reply.

Normally, I always send an SASE, but you can still get a reply without sending one. Sending a photo, I believe will not increase or decrease your chances of getting it signed, but remember sometimes you may not get it back so never send anything you would be sad if it wasn't returned. I always recommend sending an SASE when sending outside of the country because shipping that way costs a lot. Cardboard just keeps the photo from being bent, but I never send it, I just put DO NOT BEND on the envelope. Well I hope this helps answer some questions!

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