What I think of celebs!

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What I think of celebs!

Post by robert_holik »

This is what I think about celebrities that doesnt give autographs, THEY are clearly divas! Because If they can't take their time to write a autograph that takes like 5 minutes maximum then they are idiots! The letters that some of us write takes like maximum a half hour! WE are the ones that are giving the money, WE are the ones that go see their movies, WE are the ones that makes them swimming in money. So if you can't take 5 minutes (not even that) then they are clearly egoists!
Think about it!
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Post by Smudge »

There are so many people on this forum that feel like they have the right to demand signed photos from celebs!!!

Note to robert holik:

Lets take Angelina Jolie for example.....How many fans do you say she has worldwide??? And how many of those fans might write to her??? Now firstly, there is no rule that says when you become a star you MUST send signed photos for fans. Whether she signs photos or not, she will still have millions of fans. Therefore, there is no benefit to her for writing autographs so if she does send you a signed photo, be grateful for the time she has devoted to you. I'm sure she would receive hundreds of auto requests per day! I wouldn't want to dedicate 2 hours a day to reading letters and signing photos per day!!!

I can't see why people get into this hobby if they EXPECT to get autographs! If a celeb sends me an autograph I am really grateful! Just think how much personal time they have spent signing photos for their fans! If you were a film star who was working on a film, how much personal time do you think you would have? The answer is not much!

So if you ever get a response from a celeb, try to be grateful!

I am not being nasty by posting a message such as this one above, it just annoys me how ungrateful some collectors are......

I'm not sure how the other members of this forum feel, but I would personally like to see topics such as this one deleted by a moderator!

It just seems to drain the fun out of auto collecting when you come on a forum and read things like this!

Essay over!
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Post by Cutie3409 »

*smacks forehead* :roll: I think Smudge said it all... *leaves*
{??} Noah Lowry {??}

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Post by Larisie »

LOL Cutie... :roll: Well said Smudge! {up}
Thanks to -Lil1- for my great sig!


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I agree with smudge... although (as harsh as robert's letter is) celebs are obliged to sign for their fans... after all we are the hand that feeds them!
This being said... we should not expect them to sign all the time nor insult them if they choose not to.
I will always remember hearing about George Clooney giving a beggar off the street (in London) $100... he certainly didnt have to do that, but in the long run words gets around, it does wonders for his reputation! So I guess what I am saying is that by fulfulling their fans requests then their profile is enhanced and they can be held in higher regard.

Thats my 10 pence... for what its worth!

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Post by ozzman »

my personal opinion is that the celebrity owes us nothing. We choose to see his or her movies. We choose to write them letters. Its our choice to like them or not. All they are doing is their job. For example I work at a dollar store. Do I feel people owe me for waiting on them? No I dont. Im just trying to get paid so I can pay my bills. Some collecters know how to take the fun out of this hobby.
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Post by James »

I agree- I am really grateful when a celeb sends me an auto, even if I do know they aren't very well known.

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Post by TheCollector »

Hi guys {up}

I agree that robert_holik was a tad over the top (to say the least!) in his posting, but I am not going to delete this thread as I think it has encouraged a lot of us to put over our point of view on a subject which clearly splits autograph collectors.

Freedom of speech is something that most of us in the western world take for granted, - and although I (like you) might not always agree with somebody elses point of view (as in this case :wink: ) I would like to think I would guard their right to say it anyway :lol:

I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I am sure we would all prefer this freedom of speech to the silence of opression.

Ooops - getting a bit heavy so I'll sign off :mrgreen:

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Post by undertaker »

we are the hand that feeds them? come on {drunkard}

that's like saying a baker is obliged to worship the ground we walk on cause we provide his money...wrong! When we stop buying we starve to death.

same thing with celebrities (although we won't starve here) they have a product we want to buy! That's it...they don't ow us sq*t, they delivered when we played their movie/cd/...all the rest they might do for us is extra. Like the baker they will go bankrupt without customers, but when you got your bread he fulfilled his obligations.

you bought a dvd cause your a fan of dicaprio. You got the dvd? you can watch it? that's it, besides that he doesn't ow you anyhting!
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Post by Chalula88 »

My oppinion is slightly different from everyone elses. I appreciate everything that celebs do for the public and I respect the fact that they may not want to take the time to sign photos-that's fine! But what I can not understand is trying to fool people by sending them fake autographs. I think if you're not going to send a real one than you shouldn't send anything at all. That's just my oppinion-anyone else?

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