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Kerry Ellis in Person!!

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:36 pm
by Temperance Rose
Ok so my friend booked me tickets to go and see Wicked for my birthday and I have to say Kerry was amazing! After we waited outside the stage 'exit'. About 10 minutes later we realised we were in the wrong place and sprinted round the theatre just as Kerry walked out, we were so out of breath and explained and she laughed and signed our programs saying "Bless silly muppetts'. :lol:

We had another half an hour before out train so we also got Dianne Pickleton's autograph. When I asked her how she could hit those high notes with such ease she laughed saying "I don't actually know...I think the coursets are the main reason" :lol:

It was a fantastic evening and I totally recommend it, scans to follow.

Re: Kerry Ellis in Person!!

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:48 pm
by Phoebe
Awww great successes - the cast sound lovely!
Can't wait to see pictures.

Phoebe :D