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How can I get a autograph of Micheal Jordan?

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:52 pm
by johnnyblaze4377076
Hi my name is Johnny and I'm am 38 years old. I have a request from the "GREATEST" basketball player in the universe if he would take a few moments out of his busy celebrity life to hear my story. Ever since I first seen who Micheal Jordan was I wanted to be like him so I tried even tho my father wanted me to be a boxer I love the game of basketball I practiced every day. I truly looked up to MJ. He is a born leader long story short during high school freshman I was told that I had a 90% chance of getting a scholarship to North Carolina University to play college ball from Jefferson high school well with just just a year and a half left of high school I was involved in a gang related shooting. I was shot in my left knee damaging more then half my kneecap my dream was lost. So with that happening I moved didn't want to go to school. So I went to job Corp in Seattle Washington and just so happens that was the year of the championship playoffs versus "Chicago Bulls" and the "Seattle Sonics". I got to watch my idol for the first time in my life. That was a amazing day for me. I got up the courage by the end of game #4 or #5 to ask for Micheal Jordan's autograph. Well when I did I attempted to but there were so many people in the way and I was in a wheelchair at the time so I failed yet again wrong place at the wrong time. If it would be possible I would like to maybe try and get MJ's autograph now for my daughter and I any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you.