Political Autograph Collectors

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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by rocksoldier »

bilbert wrote:My list (only presidents/prime ministers):


can I ask what you get them to autograph?
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by Theone30 »

Got a few new authentic ones the past few days;

Governor Brian Schwitzer
Governor Bob Riley
Governor Mark Parkinson
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Alan Shapiro
Senator Bob Grahm

Waiting for many former and current US Politicians and Historical Figures:

Most Wanted--Henry Kissinger.(PM if you have one and want to trade)
Baseball HOF collection--40 and counting
2011 has been my best year for autographs over 300 in so far
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by mgwatson »

Got former Panamanian military dictator Manuel Noriega today.

He had been held as a prisoner of war since being removed from office by the United States in 1989. He was extradicted to France in April of this year. I wrote to him in prison, and got a very fast reply. His handwriting looks like the scribbles of a madman, which is appropriate, but I checked a reliable source and have determined that it is authentic.

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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by Brownie »

Political Autographs I have obtained IP:

President Bill Clinton
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Want List:
David Cameron PM
Tony Blair
George H.W. Bush

Top-10 Favorite Autographs: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Johnny Depp, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Larry David, Gary Oldman and Sir Anthony Hopkins.

My Autograph Website: http://squishington.webs.com/
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by TheORKINMan »

Thought I'd update my list again:

My political list updated again:

Received autos (Believed to be authentic unless otherwise noted):

President Jimmy Carter
President George HW Bush
Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder
Mexican President Vicente Fox
Austrian President Heinz Fischer
French President Jacques Chirac
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key (Pre-Print)
Australian Prime Minister John Howard
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Burlesconi (Pre Print)
Vice President Walter Mondale
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Secretary of State Colin Powell (Autopen)
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (Autopen)
Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu (Autopen)
Senator Bob Dole
Senator John Glenn
Senator George McGovern
Congressman Charlie Wilson
Governor Michael Dukakis
Lt. Col Oliver North
Egyptian Secretary General of Antiquities Zahi Hawass

Waiting on:
President George W. Bush
Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbechev
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
Indian Prime Minister Mammohan Singh
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
Micronesian President Emanuel Mori
Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Laotian Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh
Mauritian Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam
Namibian President Sam Nujoma
Finnish President Tarja Halonen
Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf
Comoros President Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi
Chilean President Ricardo Lago
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf
South African President Thabo Mbeki
South African President F.W. de Klerk
Nauru President Marcus Stephen
Marshall Islands President Jurelang Zedkaia
Central African Republic President Francois Bozize
Chinese President Hu Jintao
Japanese Emperor Akihito
Maori King Tuheitia Paki
Spanish King Juan Carlos I
Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu
Lesotho King Letsie III
Tongan King George Tupou V
Jordan King Abdullah II
Swaziland King Mswati III
Moroccan King Mohammed VI
Prince Albert II
Secretary General Kofi Annan
Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar
Vice President Dick Cheney
Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
Chief Justice John Roberts
Justice John Paul Stevens
Justice Antonin Scalia
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton
Governor Jesse Ventura
Governor Sarah Palin
Governor Mike Huckabee
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
Presidential Candidate Ross Perot
General David Petraeus
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
First Lady Laura Bush
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by dogthemindfreak »

I've got-
Barbara Bush
John McCain (ip)
Rep. Tom Tancredo (ip)
Gov. Jim Gilmore (ip)
Gov. Tommy Thompson (ip)
Gov. Mike Huckabee (ip)
President Barack Obama (ip)
Ralph Nader (ip)
Sen. Phil Gramm (ip)
Sen. Chuck Grassley (ip)
Rep. Steve King (ip)
Gov. Terry Branstad
Sen. Sam Brownback
Sen. Tom Harkin
Sen. Dan Inouye
Sen. Elizabeth Dole
Sen. Bob Dole
Sen. Richard Burr
Sen. John Thune
Sen. Dan Akaka
Sen. Kent Conrad
Gov. Jon Huntsman
Gov. John Hoeven
Sen. Bob Bennett
Rep. Tom Latham
Rep. Leonard Boswell
Henry Kissinger
George McGovern (ip)
Sen. Norm Coleman
Rep. John Kline
Rep. Jim Leach
Sen. Dick Durbin
Fmr. First Lady of Iowa Christie Vilsack
Sen. Byron Dorgan
Congressional Candidate for Iowa's Third District Brad Zaun
Gov. Chet Culver
Lt. Gov Patty Judge
Rep. Jim Nussle
Sen. Barbara Boxer
Gov. Haley Barbour
Sen. Rick Santorum
Gov. Bob Riley

The rest are all autopens or preprints.
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by BOBOC. »

Through out this year I've become a strong political activist.

I've met Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) and Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D).

I've met Congresswoman Giffords twice. We have spoken on both occasions, the first time I met her she signed a autograph for me with a note thanking me for my support and interest in politics. She laughed when I asked her to sign a campaign bumper sticker and she went on to tell me how she rarely signs autographs for supporters becuase it makes her feel nervous.
So with that In mind, does that make it more in value?

My favorite autograph I've gotten in person has been from Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, yes I am a Young Democrat but I pride myself on looking on both sides of the issues to understand the pros and cons fully before I form a view on a certain issue. With that being said Governor Brewer is a controversial figure in todays modern political world espeacially standing up to the Federal Goverment on Immigration Issues in the state of Arizona.

Like her or not she is still the Governor of the great State of Arizona. Over the last year and a half I've been oppossed to Governor Brewer but when I got the chance to meet her on the Fourth of July, it was an honor to shake hands with her and to speak with her for about 15 minutes. Those 15mins changed my whole views about Jan Brewer, and I am a proud Arizona Democrat and a proud supporter of Gov. Jan Brewer.

I was so taken away by the conversation I shared with Gov. Brewer, I asked her if she would sign an autograph for me and with alittle hesitation she used her thigh to sign her own campaign bumper sticker for me when she handed it back to me she accidentlly smeared the wet blue ink. I am proud to display this peice framed with a very nice picture of the Governor.

From what I understand is that Gov. Brewer hardly hand signs autographs?

If thats true does that also make it more valuable?

I have three political autographs two I've already listed, my third autograph is from former first lady Rosalynn Carter. My Mother met Mrs. Carter in 1979 and The first lady signed an autograph for her. I now have that autograph.

I am currently waiting on a response from: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

If anyone can answer my qestions and share stories, I would be delighted to recieve a response.
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by mgwatson »

I got a signed bookplate from Laura Bush the other day. Picture and details to come soon...
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by Theone30 »

Got 2 new authentic political success the past week or so. Jon Huntsman jr. former governor of Utah, and Karl Rove former white house chief of staff.

Waiting for many former and current US Politicians and Historical Figures:

Most Wanted--Henry Kissinger.(PM if you have one and want to trade)
Baseball HOF collection--40 and counting
2011 has been my best year for autographs over 300 in so far
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Re: Political Autograph Collectors

Post by KLO »

I've got authentic TTM autographs (since 2006) from:

fmr. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Lech Walesa
fmr. Iraqi PM Ayad Allawi
fmr. Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk
Karl Rove
fmr. VP Dan Quayle
fmr. Bulgarian King and fmr. PM Simeon II
fmr. LA gov. Edwin Edwards
fmr. Canadian PM Brian Mulroney
TN gov. Phil Bredesen
Shimon Peres
Malta PM Lawrence Gonzi
fmr S.A. Pres. F.W. de Klerk
Gambia President Yahya Jammeh
fmr. Rep. Bob Ney
Mikhail Gorbachev
1st President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Abolhassan Banisadr
Manuel Noriega
fmr. WI gov. Scott McCallum
fmr. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni
Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali Al-Naimi
fmr. Croatian President Stjepan Mesic
fmr. Gov. Mike Dukakis
Slovakian Pres. Ivan Gasparovic
fmr. FL Gov. Bob Martinez
fmr. Philippines Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus
Desmond Tutu
Jimmy Carter
Gen. George Casey
fmr. FL Gov. Claude Kirk
fmr. Brazilian Pres. Fernando Collor
fmr. Costa Rican Pres. Jose Maria Figueres Olsen
Eliot Spitzer
fmr. TX Gov. Bill Clements
John McCain
AL Gov. Bob Riley
fmr CO Gov. Roy Romer
Tony Blair
Liechtenstein Prince Hans-Adam II
fmr. Iranian Crown Prince and son of the Shah, Reza Pahlavi
Nancy Pelosi
fmr. Polish PM Jerzy Buzek
Howard Dean
fmr. Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel
Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT)
fmr. Iceland Pres. Vigdis Finnbogadottir
House Minority Ldr. John Boehner
Ron Paul
House Majority Ldr. Steny Hoyer
Charlie Wilson
fmr. Puerto Rico Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila
MT Gov. Brian Schweitzer
ND Gov. John Hoeven
Jon Huntsman
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM)
longest serving Rep. in US history John Dingell
Dave Freudenthal
George McGovern
fmr. VA Gov. Jim Gilmore
AR Gov. Mike Beebe
ME Gov. John Baldacci
OK Gov. Brad Henry
Rep. Trent Franks
fmr. MD Gov. Robert Ehrlich
Rep. Mike Rogers
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley
NM Gov. Bill Richardson
Rep. Louie Golmert
fmr. Atty Gen John Ashcroft
Greek PM George Papandreou
fmr. Press Sec. Dana Perino
Jacques Chirac
fmr. VA Gov. Doug Wilder
Rep. Robert Aderholt
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Rep. & fmr. DE Gov. Mike Castle
Tom Daschle
fmr. IL Gov. Jim Thompson
Fred Thompson
fmr. Israeli PM Ehud Olmert
fmr. Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez
fmr. Empress Farah Pahlavi
Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
fmr. SecDef Donald Rumsfeld
Sarah Palin
Rep. Ralph Hall (R-TX)
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
fmr. Rep. John Murtha (D-PA)
Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX)
Rep. Pete Olsen (R-TX)
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX)
Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX)
fmr. Taoiseach Bertie Ahern
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Rep. John Salazar (D-CO)
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)
Bob McDonnell
fmr. SecDef Melvin Laird
fmr. AL Gov. Albert Brewer
fmr. WA Gov. Albert Rosellini
Ben Bernanke
Kinky Friedman
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX)
Mike Huckabee
Newt Gingrich (IP & TTM)
fmr. Sen. Edward Brooke (R-MA)
Malta Pres. George Abela
fmr. Sen. John Glenn (D-OH)
Dick Cheney
Gen. John Vessey (Ret.)
U.S. Sen. candidate Robin Carnahan
fmr. Rep. & OH gov. candidate John Kasich
First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond
fmr. Slovakian PM Vladimir Meciar
fmr. TX Gov. Mark White
Newark Mayor Cory Booker
fmr. Sec. of State George Shultz
fmr. IA Gov. Terry Branstad
fmr. Slovakian PM Mikulas Dzurinda
fmr. House Speaker Jim Wright
RNC Chairman Michael Steele
Kosovo Pres. Fatmir Sejdiu
KY Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo
Lord Michael Ashcroft
Houston Mayor Annise Parker
Angela Merkel
S.A. Pres. Jacob Zuma
fmr. Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
Gen. David Petraeus
German politician Frank-Walter Steinmeier
German politician Peter Struck
Afghan Ambassador Said Jawad (IP)
fmr. Malta Pres. Edward Fenech Adami
Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI)

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