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Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 5:56 pm
by sarah
My first autographs were Dakota & Elle Fanning (I received both autographs on the same day) :D

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:29 pm
by Now_and_Then_Fan
LaceyChabertFan wrote:Who is she if you don't mind me asking.. :)
she is an actress, she has been in an episode of medium and law and order s.v.u

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:44 pm
by Aimee OC
My first autograph i got was Paris Hilton's! :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:30 pm
by Keira4life
My first autograph was Billy Boyd. I got it in July of 2002. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:38 pm
by Smudge
The first autograph that I received was from Saffron Burrows!

(She played Andromache in Troy)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:49 pm
by zdevin
First someone else got for me: Hulk Hogan

First purchased: Tim Curry (in Rocky Horror Regalia)

First in person: William S. Burroughs

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:39 am
by Insatia
my first was Green Day. I was a HUGE fan of them back in high school. I'd write them all the time just hoping and praying for a response. I might even admit to being a bit obsessed. (major crush on Billie Joe) Then one day I bought a shirt from the fan club and they wrote me telling me it was on back order etc and I wrote this person back asking if there was anyway they could get me their autographs and how much I loved them. And low and behold she did!! I got a letter a month or two later and I wrote her again thanking her from the bottom of my heart that it meant so much to me. And she actually took the time to write me back to thank me for thanking her!! She said she never got a thank you letter for it. It was awesome.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:01 pm
by Becksibee
My first

PP/AP was David Boreanaz (Angel from Buffy and Angel)

Real in person David Boreanaz {??} :lol: (Angel from Buffy and Angel)

TTM Anthony Stewart Head :lol: (Giles from Buffy)

My first bought was Amber Benson (Tara from Buffy) I bought it from forbidden planet. It's a poster with a DVD from her film chance. If you have not yet seen it try get hold it. its a really funny film.

I once met Jonny from Jonny cool and the gang but i didnt realise who he was then so i didnt ask for an autograph. Mam told me but i didnt really understand. LOL.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:20 am
by Carlie
my first singer was randy owens from alabama(ip)
my very first ip was robert munch(he writes kids books)
my first ttm were danielle and kay panabaker(got on the same day).

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:17 pm
by kobbing
First Autograph was Al Pacino at the Royal Premiere of The Merchant of Venice...not bad huh? :D

and now im hooked!!