Emmerdale failure and disappointment

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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by rycbar123 »

Egzacly,they do it with holby city so i dont see why they shouldnt with emmerdale
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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by Lisasautographs. »

iamdanieljlacey wrote:
magicman1000 wrote:and daniel is a trouble maker and always has been on this.

some sort of trouble making chav like daniel and start harpooning me with countless attacks. I've done nothing wrong in this, the only people who can't act their age is you, rocco and daniel.
Daniel accused me of all sorts but failed miserably, its amazing when someone tries to pick on you like for example daniel and that they don't know how to win an arguement. The joke is on you lisa, daniel and rocco. You make me laugh alot lisa should have you own platform as a comedian.

First of all, I have never been a trouble maker on this site at all. I've been a member on here for years and, until you started getting all defensive with me when I was offering you help, I've not had a problem with any member apart from yourself. All I've ever tried to do is help you but you just throw it back in my face and start arguments!

Secondly, I'm not a chav.

Thirdly, I haven't accused you of anything that isn't true.

All I've ever done to you is explain the difference between pre-signed and pre-print, and tell you why admin kept deleting your posts (which you kept uploading every day and spamming the forum, just to repeat the same cycle). I've been acting with friendly interests, wanting to help you as you are quite clearly new to this site and couldn't even upload a picture to a topic. I tried helping you with that too. But each and every time, you start an argument with me and resort to name calling and playing the victim! I now know why this is; you have autism. But that isn't my fault and nor is it my problem that you decide to take your mood swings out on me for innocently trying to help you. Which I won't do in future!

You, on the other hand, have the issue here. you email my cousin telling her she "shouldn't waste time with a (insert four letter swear beginning with T here) like him" when all I've ever done is offer help to you, which you can't accept ever from any other user because that would mean admitting you're wrong, which we all know you cannot do
I completely agree with what you said Daniel you are correct here. {up} :D
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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by Lisasautographs. »

rocco.campanaro wrote:Lol this literally made my day. What a lazy, silly thing to do. The BEST and most deserving way to get an autograph is to actually write something to them, how their storylines have impacted on you and to write to your stars individually so they feel you are specifically writing about them. You should make a star feel special. not just bunging them all together 'cause you want a load of signatures. silly

I completely agree Rocco {up} :D
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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by Lisasautographs. »

iamdanieljlacey wrote:Lisa and Rocco, I wouldn't waste your time trying to advise this user. I've done it so many times in the past and had it thrown back at me, and then been personally attacked by him about non-autograph related stuff. Let him do what he likes; in the end it's his money and stamps he's wasting, not to mention time writing to them and posting about his fails on here. He doesn't listen to a word anybody suggests, like when I told him he was confusing preprints with presigned, he told me that "nobody listens to a word you say so keep your mouth shut"... Charming! Instead of just accepting the advice, he always gets all defensive and tries to make himself look like the victim, like other users are ganging up and bullying him when in actual fact he's the bully. Then he has the cheek then to email my cousin and tell her I'm not worth the time of day and call me every name under the sun, just for me being friendly and pointing out something that he was confusing himself with..

Yepp Daniel thank ya for yur advice. I see this now. I blame his mummy bringing him up this way and letting him him have whatever he wants. So not really his fault in the end!!!
Little Ollie is obviously spoilt rotten. Awwww. Awww mummy's boy all upset because laura doesn't like him. Lol :lol:
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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by hitster »

Always fun to read the banter between Magicman and Lisa.

Anyway I've always assumed that lots of people send multiple requests in one envelope to various soaps, it certainly saves on postage and as long as the individual envelopes are sealed and contain an SAE then they would just get put into the various actor's pigeon holes. There have been various behind the scene shows about Corrie where we have seen the actors collecting their post from their pigeon holes at the reception.

Several theatres also have pigeon holes for the cast at stage doors and there is often a note up saying "post for -------" to inform them there is stuff to collect.
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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by rycbar123 »

Magicman and Lisa I'm not going to read your arguing anymore,ither resolve the situations or if you don't have anything nice to say to each other then don't say anything at all-end of
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Re: Emmerdale failure and disappointment

Post by rycbar123 »

I did mean both of you, this site isn't supposed to be for arguing but disscusing your opinions

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