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Re: Orlando Bloom success

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:18 pm
by eti1208
As spanky taylor sends out PP´s they will always look "legit" as they are in fact real autographs which are copied, so they sig of course looks real, you could try to find out (as only person here!) by holding them against the light and looking if the sig appears to be "in the picture" ;)

I gladly had an success from the Pirates set last year, so he does answer in fact, but Spanky never did pass on any mail as far as I am informed (because they are not even thought to as they are working to "get pp´s send out, to satisfy the fans"!!!) so I would never think of them being real :/
Of course I hope they are for you but just trying to be realistic here :(

You could might contact spanky (they got a usual address as far as I know) and ask them about it? Just an idea ;)

Re: Orlando Bloom success

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:38 am
by eti1208
You´re right haven´t seen that one, only read the first page :oops:

but I just can´t believe Spanky sends back a real one, kind of strange still.

But if it is legit and you are happy with it (which is the main thing!) just ignore what I said ;) Congrats man {up}