Johnny Depp--signed

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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by Craig911 »

dancingirl1 wrote:r say? Britney. Taylor. Madonna. Mariah. Beyonce. Zac. Gaga. .
he mentions all of the singers that gay people worship. god can you be more of a fag? i guess not
In the end, We all get what we deserve

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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by Toptottylotty »

Craig911 wrote:
dancingirl1 wrote:r say? Britney. Taylor. Madonna. Mariah. Beyonce. Zac. Gaga. .
he mentions all of the singers that gay people worship. god can you be more of a fag? i guess not
I agree it's disgusting that these grown men are obsessed with these teenage girls and singers there is something wrong with them they are obviously shirt lifters and bum chums too be so involved in all this. Its vile it makes me wanna puke
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by dancingirl1 »

Toptottylotty wrote:I agree it's disgusting that these grown men are obsessed with these teenage girls and singers there is something wrong with them they are obviously shirt lifters and bum chums too be so involved in all this. Its vile it makes me wanna puke
LOL the last time I checked NO ONE I mentioned is a teenage. You must be confused.
Britney Spears==>> 6 #1 albums. 2 diamond albums. 8 platinum albums. 400+ awards. 200M+ records sold. Britney has sold over 45 million records this decade despite only releasing three albums. Globally, Britney has more #1 singles than any other female artist except Madonna and Rihanna. "Oops!...I Did It Again" by Britney is the 5th best selling album of the 2000s decade worldwide. Britney is the only female artist to chart her first seven albums in the top two of the Billboard 200. Britney has achieved at least one #1 album in 3 different decades (90's, 00's, 10's). Britney is the first solo female artist from the 90's to reach 1 billion Spotify streams. Despite NOT even being a single, 'Tom's Diner', ft. Britney , has become Giorgio Moroders best-selling digital track. 2015 Billboard Awards ratings reached a 14-year high, with numbers peaking during Britney's performance. She IS the princess of Pop. Bow Down! #StayMadHaters
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by MW1221 »

DiamondDave wrote:I agree, but it's ridiculous that people just automatically assume it's an AP all the time.
Sure, there is a history of AP....but who's to say that he wouldn't sign something every now and then.
Somebody actually gets an authentic, posts a photo and one of our resident "experts" denounces it, and there it goes into the trash.
Just a thought.
You're the only one who calls commenters "experts". Putting hyperbole in the other side's mouth hurts your argument, it doesn't help it.

You're also the only one making assumptions.

The evidence points to it being AP, you agree with it being an AP, so how exactly do you know that the people who said AP did so just because the celebrity who sent it is known for sending APs as opposed to that evidence that you yourself agree shows that this is an AP?

Otherwise, I do agree that dubbing something fake just because of the name of the celebrity is an assumption that nobody should make, and I would encourage anyone who does to judge each autograph on its own merits, as opposed to the signer's past.

That said, that doesn't extend to the agency/company that sent it.
Celebrity Merch/Mail Mann, Inc. don't send authentics anymore.
SFM never sends authentics.
Spanky Taylor never sends authentics.
The White House will never respond to an autograph request with a handsigned photo of the current president.

Celebrities who never sign may it do it sometimes, but they will NEVER do it through those addresses.

That said, I'm speaking in general, as this particular autograph meets none of those (though several Depp APs were Spanky Taylors if I'm not mistaken).
dancingirl1 wrote:This is just in general, not about Depp personally. Just saying: the more that someone is famous, the LESS they will sign TTM. Examples per say? Britney. Taylor. Madonna. Mariah. Beyonce. Zac. Gaga. And of course, Depp. That doesn't mean there is something wrong with that, that just means that they are getting way more mail and it becomes too much or maybe they just don't like mail. lol. Some don't hate mail. IMO, I don't think he will ever sign TTM again.
I disagree, and not just because of the wrong use of the phrase "per say". (It's "per se", btw.)

You made an assertion, and then you cherry picked evidence to support it, while ignoring all the evidence that doesn't.

There are a lot of things that factor into whether or not someone will sign often, and very little of it has to do with fame levels.

1) The person's schedule--even the barely famous are sometimes too busy to sign all the mail
2) The person's personality--some hate dealing with fanmail, some only want to do an all or nothing with their mail (such as Alan Rickman or James Earl Jones, who only accept mail when they have time to sign all of it, and have their assistants return things unsigned the rest of the time)
3) The person's feelings towards autographs--some feel they're a waste a time and therefore don't sign, others don't sign because of eBay or because they see selling their own autograph as a good way to make extra money
4) The person's feelings towards fame--some don't want to be/don't think they're famous, so they won't sign, as they see it as being a thing for celebrities, which, to them, they are not (such as Stephen King)
5) Security risks--Stana Katic of "Castle" was a great signer until she had a stalker problem. Now she returns everything unsigned, while her equally famous costar Molly Quinn signs everything sent to her.
6) The person's management/agent--Believe it or not, some celebrities don't even know what's going on, as their management decides to withhold their fanmail, despite the celebrity's wishes. That's why you'll see some people sign through one agency, but not another (Frank Oz is a good example. He used to sign through the Jim Henson Company, until they started responding that he's too busy, but he'll still sign if you contact him directly). I've also heard plenty of stories straight from the source of celebrities who don't know they're sending out secs, because their agency decided to "do them a favor and lighten their load". It also works in reverse--you're more likely to get a celeb VV on Broadway because, regardless of the number of letters received, productions frown upon the stars sending out fakes through their theater, especially on Playbills. That's not to say it doesn't happen, but Broadway production policy is in our favor in those instances.

And so on and so on.

Sure, the more famous someone is, the more likely they are to fit into a category with minimal to no signing, but the number of major celebrities (David Tennant, Alan Rickman, James Earl Jones, Dame Judy Dench) who hand sign their TTM requests often and the number of non-celebrities who send out PPs/APs/Secs is enough to show you that, at the very least, you're over simplifying the issue.
dancingirl1 wrote:
Toptottylotty wrote:I agree it's disgusting that these grown men are obsessed with these teenage girls and singers there is something wrong with them they are obviously shirt lifters and bum chums too be so involved in all this. Its vile it makes me wanna puke
LOL the last time I checked NO ONE I mentioned is a teenage. You must be confused.
They're not confused, they're flat out stupid.

They sent me a threatening PM accusing me of breaking an unnamed law and telling me how the cops were going to find me by my IP address, despite facts that:
1) I've done nothing illegal (unlike them who sent a threatening message over the Internet).
2) IP addresses don't lead to actual computers.

They're just a punk kid trying to compensate for something. I reminded them that they make pills and pumps for that now, so that should help their issues.
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by vivalakayla »

DiamondDave wrote:

I agree, but it's ridiculous that people just automatically assume it's an AP all the time.
Sure, there is a history of AP....but who's to say that he wouldn't sign something every now and then.
Somebody actually gets an authentic, posts a photo and one of our resident "experts" denounces it, and there it goes into the trash.
Just a thought.
He has signed authentically before but it's never just his signature. Never! He personalizes and writes a little message. But that's VERY rare. I think I've seen it happen maybe twice.
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by dancingirl1 »

MW1221 wrote: the number of major celebrities (David Tennant, Alan Rickman, James Earl Jones, Dame Judy Dench) who hand sign their TTM requests often and the number of non-celebrities who send out PPs/APs/Secs is enough to show you that, at the very least, you're over simplifying the issue.
Those celebs that you listed above don't have the fame that Beyonce, Justin, Depp, and Britney have. (you don't need to agree. But that's what I think.) These young people get crazy mobbed outside and can't even drive properly. Young stars get like 1000's of letters a day. I doubt that James Earl gets half of Justin's mail. That' just how I feel.
Britney Spears==>> 6 #1 albums. 2 diamond albums. 8 platinum albums. 400+ awards. 200M+ records sold. Britney has sold over 45 million records this decade despite only releasing three albums. Globally, Britney has more #1 singles than any other female artist except Madonna and Rihanna. "Oops!...I Did It Again" by Britney is the 5th best selling album of the 2000s decade worldwide. Britney is the only female artist to chart her first seven albums in the top two of the Billboard 200. Britney has achieved at least one #1 album in 3 different decades (90's, 00's, 10's). Britney is the first solo female artist from the 90's to reach 1 billion Spotify streams. Despite NOT even being a single, 'Tom's Diner', ft. Britney , has become Giorgio Moroders best-selling digital track. 2015 Billboard Awards ratings reached a 14-year high, with numbers peaking during Britney's performance. She IS the princess of Pop. Bow Down! #StayMadHaters
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by MW1221 »

dancingirl1 wrote:
MW1221 wrote: the number of major celebrities (David Tennant, Alan Rickman, James Earl Jones, Dame Judy Dench) who hand sign their TTM requests often and the number of non-celebrities who send out PPs/APs/Secs is enough to show you that, at the very least, you're over simplifying the issue.
Those celebs that you listed above don't have the fame that Beyonce, Justin, Depp, and Britney have. (you don't need to agree. But that's what I think.) These young people get crazy mobbed outside and can't even drive properly. Young stars get like 1000's of letters a day. I doubt that James Earl gets half of Justin's mail. That' just how I feel.
Amount of mail they receive=/=how famous they are. Which is my point--you're equating the level of fame with factors which reflect things other than the level of fame.

The loudest group isn't necessarily the majority.

No, Justin Bieber is not more famous than the people's whose name I mentioned. Unless they watch trash TV, like TMZ, or keep up with the pop music charts, most people over the age of 30-40 won't have any idea who Justin Bieber is. Same goes for Beyonce, etc. They have specialized audiences that are not anywhere near close to the majority of the population, regardless of how vocal they may be.

I'm not saying they aren't popular, I'm just saying that they target and reach a highly specific demographic, and they likely won't leave much of a lasting impact on the world around them.

On the other hand, the work of people like James Earl Jones reaches several generations because it spans several generations. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone in a non-third world country who isn't familiar on some level with his impact, because he reaches more than niche audiences.


The niche audiences of the people you named are also the demographic most likely to send out fanmail or stand outside for hours to get a glimpse of their favorite stars. Most 50 & 60 year olds wouldn't go to such lengths. So while I'd argue that James Earl Jones had a larger fanbase than Justin Bieber, I'd also argue that Justin Bieber has a more vocal fanbase.

But again, that's directly related to a high cross over between Bieber's fanbase and the demographic willing to go to extra lengths to meet their favorite celebrity, not the overall number of fans.

So basing said conclusions on "more versus less famous" is, again, oversimplifying the issue with a major sampling bias in how you're gauging fame levels.

That said, there is still more to it than "amount of mail received", as you'll find several people not signing despite obviously receiving less mail than people who do, and vice versa.

It comes down to amount of staff, etc.

The names you mentioned are way more likely to have security risks/obscene hate mail than the names I mentioned. They're also mostly young, so there will be more of a push to keep them from seeing letters that may otherwise scar them. So, if they're going to go through fanmail, they'll require a larger staff with the sole job of screening the letters. I don't see someone like Alan Rickman needing such accommodations.

It also comes down to what the agency/management/studio deems an appropriate fanmail policy. Believe it or not, while they're working on a movie or TV show (especially a network show), celebrities have very little say in their own lives. The celebrities may be paying them, but the managers are just that--their boss.

Fanmail, from our end, is simple.

Fanmail, from theirs, is a very complicated system that requires a lot of people to be on the same page with regard to policy. And that policy is based on multiple factors. It's also usually decided by people who don't fully understand autograph collecting, if at all. If you get a chance to talk to the person who runs the AP that signs for a celebrity, they'll more than likely think that they're doing fans a favor, as opposed to the alternative. Trust me--I've had that conversation with a few of them. That's why you'll sometimes yield a different response if you specifically request "hand signed" as opposed to "signed". Some of the people genuinely don't see the difference. After all, if you look into it, an AP can legally sign contracts, so it's not hard to understand why someone who doesn't understand autograph collecting would see no difference between sending an authorized AP signature and a hand signed one.

So yes, it all goes deeper than how famous someone is... Much deeper.
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by dancingirl1 »

I respectfully agree to disagree. I agree with some small bullet points, but overall, i don't agree with you. {up}

EDIT: I will use this as an example: A lot of people in my sig don't sign TTM anymore (and that's just a fact..). One of the reasons why is because a lot of them get TONS of mail. And part of it is because 'young' stars (ages 18-35) have some crazy fans and then it leads some stalker situations depending on who it is. So then it kinda is ruined for everyone else because then they start to reply to "special" requests only, like Taylor S. People like James Earl, Alan Rickman, Olivia Newton John, and "older people" have some time to answer mail. If you look @ James' IMDB page, there isn't much going on the last couple years. I'm not saying he doesn't work because he did Broadway too.. But when I originally said "...Those celebs that you listed above don't have the fame that Beyonce, Justin......" That didn't have anything to do with them not working every second of the day. What I meant by that was the CRAZY CRAZY fan bases and ect. You know the hardcore Justin fans and etc..Them girls are nuts lol.
Last edited by dancingirl1 on Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Britney Spears==>> 6 #1 albums. 2 diamond albums. 8 platinum albums. 400+ awards. 200M+ records sold. Britney has sold over 45 million records this decade despite only releasing three albums. Globally, Britney has more #1 singles than any other female artist except Madonna and Rihanna. "Oops!...I Did It Again" by Britney is the 5th best selling album of the 2000s decade worldwide. Britney is the only female artist to chart her first seven albums in the top two of the Billboard 200. Britney has achieved at least one #1 album in 3 different decades (90's, 00's, 10's). Britney is the first solo female artist from the 90's to reach 1 billion Spotify streams. Despite NOT even being a single, 'Tom's Diner', ft. Britney , has become Giorgio Moroders best-selling digital track. 2015 Billboard Awards ratings reached a 14-year high, with numbers peaking during Britney's performance. She IS the princess of Pop. Bow Down! #StayMadHaters
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by lautnerfied »

MW1221- Great Posts
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Re: Johnny Depp--signed

Post by Baggiebubs »

Normanbotts wrote:Yes it's autopen the same as all the rest
Yeah only Normanbotts owns his real autograph everybody else's is autopen you should know this by now.


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