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Re: Harry Potter Premiere

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:40 pm
by Skye
I'm a senior but my dad will never let me skip school for such a 'frivolous' event. He will be so pissed. Oh well :( Thanks for the feedback guys. I probably wouldn't have been able to meet them anyway

Re: Harry Potter Premiere

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:50 pm
by Jaffer
You seem to be misunderstanding what I meant by skipping school, I apologise for not making it clearer. I meant going to school,then simply leaving when you needed to. But seeing as you are in NY, you would probably need to camp out,thus not being able to go to school at all.

You should just ask your dad? You never know what he might say. Trust me, you don't need to go every day of school haha ;) the memories you will get at the hp premier are more important.