Obama certificate

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Obama certificate

Post by tishh »

I am assuming Mr Trump's idealogy is appropriate for this "general discussion." I would like to know if Mr Trump is now going to drop his birthing pursuit now that Pres Obama has produced his full birth certificate. This may, however, leave him no platform, so I assume he is dropping out of his almost bid at the presidency.I think Mr Trump should produce his education and experience to justify his running for President, should he take that path. I think an inquiry into his education is far more than fair
than the production of a birth certificate. As a psychologist with a PhD, I would not be so smug to assume I could run for President on my knowledge and education. Mr Trump has made quicte a mockery of the Democratic process with his birthing antics. He obviously felt that demeaning the President was necessary. I do not know why. I hope this is within the scope of your rules as I could not find a politically related site for Mr Trump. I am sure there will be one if he should announce his running for President.
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Re: Obama certificate

Post by Sun Devil »

Please Note as this is fact, not fiction that the original Birthers were BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON. I am not a "birther" myself but please give credit where credit is due (meaning it started with DEMOCRATS!). Throughout the Primary's in '08 The Clinton's were the first ones questioning Obama's citizenship. (Bill also claimed Barrack used the race card on him). Why did Obama wait almost 3 years to release these documents? Even when many in his own party were requesting the documents. However, it were Republican's that the Media was focusing it's attention on as the "cooks". This is why it's so painful to have a Democrat in the White House, the mainstream media does whatever it has to so it can protect Democrats and portray Republican's as "evil".

Also, for anyone who thinks that Obama had already released his birth certificate needs to go investigate the difference between a "birth certificate" and "A certificate of live birth". There is a huge difference.

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Re: Obama certificate

Post by Mighty_Modders »

Maybe I don't understand the whole political process in the USA, but I have no idea why anyone pursued this issue to the stage where the guy had to whip out his own personal documents. I'm guessing if thats a rule to become president, it would have been checked a fair while back (or is it all just a conspiracy for the tin-foil brigade?). If thats the biggest thing that people have to worry about, you aren't doing too badly.
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Re: Obama certificate

Post by PsychoGeek »

Mighty_Modders wrote:Maybe I don't understand the whole political process in the USA, but I have no idea why anyone pursued this issue to the stage where the guy had to whip out his own personal documents. I'm guessing if thats a rule to become president, it would have been checked a fair while back (or is it all just a conspiracy for the tin-foil brigade?). If thats the biggest thing that people have to worry about, you aren't doing too badly.
NOTE: I do not mean to be confrontational; I am just saying what I think.

According to the Constitution, to be eligible for the presidency, you must be a natural born citizen. Some people claim Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii, while part of his family claim he was born in Kenya. If he was born in Kenya, while his mom was 17, he would not be eligible. The engine oil thickens since at least 3 hospitals in Hawaii claim he was born there, while his own grandmother claims that she was there when he was born in Kenya. I could type 100 paragraphs on this issue, but I won't. ;-) Question #1: Why would someone spend several million dollars for 3 law firms to hid his birth certificate? Question #2: If he was born in Hawaii, why not just show the certificate and get it over with?

Again, I do not want to offend, but I've said my piece. :)
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Re: Obama certificate

Post by dobie516 »

I'm not a "birther", but can understand where they're coming from. Why did it take Obama so long to produce the document when it was an issue even before the general election? Yes, Bill and Hill were the ones who started this, but no one in the press will report that.

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Re: Obama certificate

Post by tishh »

Since I started this whole thing I will give you the facts. It was a problem before the election. They released his birth certificate and it has been shown on the news and in magazines. They have spoken to the Hawaii Dept of Health who has verified the birth and it was announced , not by the parents, but in the general notices, as they do in Hawaii, in two newspapers. It was released with all of the other births. They have even spoken to people born on that day whose notices were in the paper and it was put in because they put all births are entered from the hospital. Then, because his father was born in Kenya, some unstable person decided to start a movement that Pres Obama was not born in the US because he has a Kenyan father. Maybe they did not realize that fathers do not have babies (ha). Thus, the birther movement started. These people have been relentless so the other day the government decided to release the long form of the birth certificate which is kept in a vault in the hospital for all babies born there. They do not release them to anyone. The Obama people, because of Donald Trump's relentless pursuit of O'bama, released the long form and now Trump has gone on to demand his college records. Either Trump hit his head really hard (no, that would mess his hair), or he wants the limelight as usual to get his show continued for another year. That is the official story. Whether you like the man (Trump) or not, his behavior is unacceptable and he is not qualified to run for president. He could not even pass the citizenship test. I wrote here thinking this was a space for "General Discussion," thus it would be appropriate. Then, someone told me it was for autographs which I did not know, my apologies. However it did start up quite a discussion. Above are the facts and you can find them in any reliable
newspaper or online

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Re: Obama certificate

Post by PsychoGeek »

Actually, he produced a Certificate of Live Birth, not a Birth Certificate. Sorry! :oops:
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Re: Obama certificate

Post by Jaffer »

Lol this issue right here is why so many people dislike America.

Yes,democrats started the issue (Clinton supporters as far as I am aware), and it is a fact that is sadly often forgotten. but conservatives have certainly made it a mainstream debate (hell, the Clinton supporters who started it were probably social conservatives too) he has now released two different birth cirtificates. Bill O Riely said that his investigation concluded he was born in Hawaii. What more do you people want?

Incidentally, a Clinton supporter looking for evidence he was not American-born actually found the birth announcement in an old Hawaii newspaper. I suppose his parents planted that back in the day, knowing he would be president someday :roll: I keep on hearing this two million dollar figure being bandied about, but without any actual proof to back it up. Hell, I once read a republican blogger claiming Obama was muslim. Why? Because his middle name was Hussein, similar to Saddam Hussein. Get it? Genius! Never mind the fact Saddam was seen as secular leader. These are the kind of people we seem to be dealing with. The ''death panel'' nonsense is another goood example.

The sweet irony here is John McCain was not born in America either. He was born in Panama I beleive.
Also, considering how sychophantic some conservatives can be to a frankly out-dated and flawed constitution, they seem to be ignorant of parts of it. No where does it state that you must be born in the boundaries of USA to be presidant. ''natural born citizen'' does not mean that at all. Sigh

But hey, I should not worry. In five years China will overtake America as #1. That's right, the communist(ish) country. More sweet irony there. Don't even get me started on this ''Obama is a radical marxist'' rubbish lol.

This is just subtle racism and/or xenophobia to be honest. Nothing more.
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Re: Obama certificate

Post by osiris »

Jaffer wrote:The sweet irony here is John McCain was not born in America either. He was born in Panama I beleive.
Technically speaking, he was born on a military base. US military bases are seen as "US soil" no matter where they are.
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Re: Obama certificate

Post by BossC »

osiris wrote:
Jaffer wrote:The sweet irony here is John McCain was not born in America either. He was born in Panama I beleive.
Technically speaking, he was born on a military base. US military bases are seen as "US soil" no matter where they are.
And the media made Mr. McCain produce HIS papers--and he did. I just didn't like Obama objecting to the release. It almost seems he thought he was "better" than others. His competition released all his records--birth, school, military, but Obama dragged his feet before releasing ANYTHING and I don't think his school records have been made public yet.

I really don't know what I believe about the whole birth thing. Before he won the election it was an issue, now I can't imagine anyone removing the president from office even IF it is "proven" he was born in Kenya--the entire African-American community will be up in arms and claiming "racist" efforts. THAT would be a fiasco!


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