How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by johnnylightning »

lummycorks wrote:you can't get rid of the royalty!
Well fine then,the monarchy/royalty is costing the taxpayers a ton of money while they live like kings(literally) and most people work hard and have very little to show for it but if you want the royalty fine deal with the costs and economic ruin that comes with it!!! As far as the smoking goes i was just saying that is why all the pubs are going broke and closing down which is alot of tax dollars lost. It wasnt adebate about if smoking is bad it was answering your question about why the economy is in ruins there.
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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by Mighty_Modders »

Don't quite understand the monarchy comment, losing them would be a major blow to the economy in my opinion, the word is tourism. They attract people from all over who are more than happy to part with their cash in return for a mug with someones face on. They also create lots of jobs, you have the tour buses, the merchandise stands, the stewards, the restaurants the tourists shop in etc etc. As far as I'm aware the cost of the monarchy costs the taxpayer around 23p a year, hardly crippling is it?

Same with the football...the government doesn't pay for stadium maintenance, or for the players....or for any of it for that matter. That comes down to the clubs (many of which are feeling the pinch a bit!) and their owners. But again, like the monarchy, it creates jobs and it attracts tourism. Think of the money clubs make off merchandise, all that merchandise comes with VAT so it all gives a little bit back into the pot. The players are paying income tax, so there is some good to come out of those crazy salaries. The bottom line is though that there are a heck of a lot of people that get a lot of enjoyment out of the football, and why shouldn't they?

Banning smoking in pubs is also not going to make much difference to the overall economy. The high rates that publicans have to pay in order to run and the high duty on alcohol is probably doing more harm than people having to go outside to light up. The fact that people have less disposable income after the high rise in the cost of living - look at how food prices, petrol and gas/electric prices have all increased recently - are going to be the main factors causing people to buy a cheap crate of beer out of the supermarket and have a less expensive night in. For me anyway, paying over £3 for a pint when I can get four pint cans for £4 is a simple decision.

In my opinion there are too many people in this country that take from the system without contributing anything back. It shouldn't be that you never work, you never pay into the NHS or the local government but yet that you can get free prescriptions, free housing and free transport. There are too many handouts to people that don't deserve it. Even this though will make little difference to overall expenditure. People also like living outside their means, everyone feels now that they are entitled to a big house and a flash car, and holidays abroad every few months but they don't want to work and earn the money to fund it.

The thing that offends me most is the salary received by politicians. Most of those in high positions are on around £100k a year, do they really need that? It makes me sick when they sit there telling the masses what they can and can't afford in life, and then go and pocket that kind of a wage. High powered job and all that but when they go about 'we're all in this together' makes me angry anyway!

There is no simple answer, but I really don't agree with these massive cuts and price hikes. Its not the politicians that are going to feel the pinch, its the average person who is just trying to make their way through life. This country doesn't produce any more, the factories are moving abroad and nothing is replacing them. We went from that to basing the economy on tourism and services, and that's not exactly the most stable sector to build foundations on.
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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by lummycorks »

Please don't have a go at me!! I haven't done anything! I may hate football, but johnnylightning - you're just pointing out everything about what i've said that you think is wrong and then writing an essay about what i've said wrong!

I have the right to have my own opinion!
Johnnylightning - you can think what you want to think, but i'm afraid i disagree entirely.
Additionally, the monarchy have done more good to this country than the government have done over the past few decades!! The monarchy is a British tradition and there is no way that they should go!! The new-ish government, led by Cameron, have not really done much so far! We had 11-12 years of nothingness when Labour were leading with Blair and Brown

[uk] Keep our monarchy! [uk]
Last edited by lummycorks on Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by lummycorks »

johnnylightning wrote:
lummycorks wrote:Jaffer - personally, I believe football is an utter waste of money. nothing will make me change my thoughts. Stadiums are a waste of money, making the kits, football, nets and other equipment is a waste of money and so many people watch football on Tv and this is coming out of our country's money.

And also how can anyone say that smoking should not have been banned in pubs! Non-smokers - people who don't what to become really unhealthy and get all kinds of diseases - should still be allowed to go into any pub, club or any public place where they want to go!! I think smoking should be banned altogether personally.

It seems to me like you dont really care about the economy and you just really hate football. How is watching football on tv coming out of your countries money lol Advertising pays for the tv time. You really just hate football and trust me football is not ruining your economy so dont start pointless conversations... {down} [ca]
How dare you say that I am making pointless conversations! This thread would have been perfectly fine if you hadn't started criticising everything i write!

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by lummycorks »

johnnylightning wrote:
ScottishDan wrote:
johnnylightning wrote:I dont think the football thing will help because they usually don't spend more than the teams bring in in revenue,plus arent the teams run by private investors and owners mostly? I do know something that would help in britain though,i saw on tv that they banned smoking in pubs and now half of them have closed down and people drink at home so right there was a bad mistake.Pubs bring in a lot of tax dollars.
Got to disagree with you about the smoking in pubs. I think that was a great law! If people want to smoke in a public place, they can take a couple of steps out the door and light up. I think it's unfair for other people to have to breath in smoke while having a meal etc.. I'd rather have my health before wealth.
I was just answering the question about the economy not about smoke itself because smokers bring in the dollars because they drink more and socialize instead of just eating and leaving.It would make more sence for the people just eating in the pubs to stay home or eat in a regular restaurant as opposed to a pub.
People who don't smoke most certainly have the right to enter any pub, restaurant or tea room without having to worry about other people smoking. If you were completely against smoking and you could only enter pubs that are filled with tobacco smoke, you wouldn't like it

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by lummycorks »

please can we just stop fighting. this was supposed to be a normal thread for people to converse and share their thoughts on my chosen topic. If I'd have known it'd just cause a massive quarrel I wouldn't have bothered.
Last edited by lummycorks on Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by summer.wine10 »

I actually agree with lummycorks. football is an annoyance and it DOES cost the government money in some ways. I don't necessarily think it should stop, because it does make money as well.

Smoking should be banned because it can be horrible for other people. Roy Castle, the British entertainer from Holmfirth never smoked in his life but spent loads of time in clubs with people smoking. He died of lung cancer from tobacco smoke in the 1990s.

Also, I agree with lummycorks saying that monarchy should not be banned! The Queen rules! (literally!!!)

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by Jaffer »

What? The monarchy is a waste of money, if anything needs to go it is that. Remember, we need to save government money here, it is not a question of "liking" or disliking something. I would think the only money government spends on football/sport is "community" or grassroots based, which is of obvious benefit. Either way, banning it would hardly help the debt.
Banning smokeing? Another loss of revenue. It is why it has not happened yet. Both these things also stimulate the economy.
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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by lummycorks »

1. There is no chance that the monarchy will disappear because it is British custom - as it is in other countries.

2. Thankyou summer.wine10, at least someone is actually respecting my ideas here.

3. Smoking should be banned altogether, let alone just in public places. It damages bodies of people and there is no positive side of smoking for anybody. Who cares about revenue in that field. I think the government and monarchy would rather have a healthy population. They'll keep banning smoking in different places gradually. I don't think money is the only thing parliament have in mind.

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Re: How can we solve Britain's economic crisis

Post by lummycorks »

Jaffer wrote:What? The monarchy is a waste of money, if anything needs to go it is that. Remember, we need to save government money here, it is not a question of "liking" or disliking something. I would think the only money government spends on football/sport is "community" or grassroots based, which is of obvious benefit. Either way, banning it would hardly help the debt.
Banning smokeing? Another loss of revenue. It is why it has not happened yet. Both these things also stimulate the economy.
If the monarchy decided to down tools and stop running the country with the help of the government Britain would be in an utter mess! Everything would be out of order! The government in Britain don't seem to be doing anything yet - no helpful laws have been passed - and this would be made even worse if our Royal Family stopped!

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