Sending baseballs

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Sending baseballs

Post by rrussou812 »


I'm new to this site and fairly new to autograph collecting (great site BTW)

Has anyone had any success trying to send people baseballs,tennis balls..etc to get signed (with proper postage and envelope size of course)

I'd love to get a ball signed by Barry Pepper and Kevin Costner.


Randy {up}
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Post by Leigh »

I've never heard of that but it's more likely your ite won't get returned to you because you are expecting a great deal of trouble from them. It means you're putting them under pressure to send it back to you, plus they need to go through the hassle that would go with sending a ball in the mail.
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Post by barmy_army008 »

I can't really speak from experience, as i've never tried it, but i'm not sure if it would be any different from just sending a photo to be signed....

If you provide a return envelope with the correct amount of postage for the ball then it might be ok. I would have thought that an agency or baseball team would have mail bags rather than have to go to a post box, so it wouldn't be a problem to actually fit into the postbox.

Having said that though, as I live in the UK, i'm not really familiar with how much a a baseball weighs or costs to buy. If its quite a lot, it might be a bit of a risk to pay all that and it not being returned. Perhaps you could just give it a go with a baseball player via the club, as they would probably be most likely to sign. If all they have to do is put it back in a paid envelope, then you could get it back.
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Re: Sending baseballs

Post by misstiffany »

I have heard of some people doing this. I can't remember what they did, but they bought ball boxes and mailed them with the ball. Then the player signed the ball, and returned in another (unfolded) ball box that was enclosed.

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