What should I include in my LOR?

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What should I include in my LOR?

Post by JonasandHSfan »

I'm new to this, and I've never written an LOR.
What should be included in an LOR?

Thanks so much! :)

Re: What should I include in my LOR?

Post by RYAN J. »

writing the letter. This can sometimes be easy or hard depending on how good you are with words and creativity. When I first started collecting, my letters were HORRIBLE! I basically said: "Hi! I think you’re a great actor. What was your favorite role to play? Can you send me an autographed photo please? Thanks for reading my letter!" Pretty pathetic huh? I did get a few replies back from the letters, but not many.

Now that I'm more experienced and have written literally HUNDREDS of letters so it's very easy for me to sit down and write a nice request. I start out by introducing myself (My name, my age, City and state that I live in). Then I list a few hobbies that I enjoy (Graphic Design, Watching movies, listening to my MP3 etc.) I tend not to list "Autograph Collecting" as one of my hobbies as I don't want them to get them impression that I might try and sell
The signatures I'm requesting at the end of the letter (Which I don't).

After that I let them know that I enjoyed their roles In films that they've been in (I make sure and list a few titles so they know I saw them). Then I tell them that I checked out their IMDB film profile (www.imdb.com) or OFFICIAL site (Make sure to put the web address if it's an official site) and tell them what I liked them most about it, and cool features that I'd like to see them add. If they have some interesting hobby or trivia that I find exciting I'll make a few comments on that too. Usually by this time I've used up the front page of my paper, so then it's onto the back side where I ask for the autograph! LOL! I typically will write it like this:

"If it's okay, I've included some photos, CD/DVD covers, Custom made cards etc. That I hope you can please personalize and sign for my collection. A SASE is enclosed as well, so you don't have to pay for return postage. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my letter. Good luck with all your upcoming projects and future success!! Sincerely, [My name]"

Hope that helps you!! {thumb2}

RYAN J. 8)
Autograph Collector
Autograph Collector
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:34 pm

Re: What should I include in my LOR?

Post by JonasandHSfan »

Thanks so much Ryan! That helped alot! :)

Re: What should I include in my LOR?

Post by RYAN J. »

Glad I could help you out! Best of luck with your requests!

RYAN J. 8)

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Sep 16, 2023 12:41 am.

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