International Mail..

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International Mail..

Post by alacsac »

I realize I may sound dumb, but oh well. I was wondering, how do you send mail to like, England, if you live in the US? Also, to Canada? Thanks!
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Joined: Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:42 am

Post by barmy_army008 »

International mail costs more to send than inland mail, but that is the only real difference.

Remember to write the country its going to on along with the address, and then the best idea is to take it to the post office. They'll weigh it so that you can put the correct postage on, and also stick an Airmail sticker on for you. You can also request some airmail stickers for use in the future.

Once you've gone to the post office and done that once, then you'll know how much it'll cost and have airmail stickers, so its not really necessary to go again - you can just stick the stamps on yourself and put it in a post box.

I also think that using IRC's (international reply coupons) increases your chances of getting something back. You can also buy these at the post office, and they go inside the envelope.

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