Wrestling Collectors?

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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by brochester8 »

Got back from NXT superstar Ricochet yesterday on a card. Took a little over a month
TTM Favorites: Badd shango Molly Mountie Cole Arn Kozlov barry Bret Lashley Mickie DreamerBeulah BOrton Ugene Sharkboy Ventura Raven Glacier Buff Maria Conway Snow Outlaws Rico Gangrel Dillion Snitsky Taylor Patriot Tatanka Hector Poffo Smiley Angle Disco saturn zybysko demon asya zman Adnan MVP Terkay Dixie Laroux Santino Whipwreck Goon Y2J Simmons spike sgt rosey bruno pope Streets dean Mosh Goldberg CW Ahmed Cottonwood Spivey Horace Yang Clarence warlord Swagger Axe hbilly croft severn shamrock west keirn onoo cj breeze funaki rowan corbin zayn amore schiavone reks charlotte Hawkins edge brutus graves mojo sasha 2cool Byron crowbar funk ascension shiek Jordan zeb dh eva Hassan jarrett kdog henry Cameron b2 hyatt hideo morales iaukea madusa beyer parker neville rodz cas bull owens daffney balor karagias kizarny pettingill gable asuka pearce blake murphy koko Murdoch hodge Carmella blaze embry dykstra bucks kane droz lynn rollins jtg davidflair hammer albert medusa timwhite trish
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by wrestlevessel »

I hate the new setup of this website. I can't even find this thread other than clicking find user posts and it forced us to reset our passwords and I don't know how to change it to something simple.

Anyway I did have a success the day the site was down...

T.J. Perkins- Mailed December 9th (Received January 14th)
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by brochester8 »

I got back from Vanessa borne & the war raiders Hanson & Rowe today from the PC. I sent the war raiders together and it worked so that’s cool!!
TTM Favorites: Badd shango Molly Mountie Cole Arn Kozlov barry Bret Lashley Mickie DreamerBeulah BOrton Ugene Sharkboy Ventura Raven Glacier Buff Maria Conway Snow Outlaws Rico Gangrel Dillion Snitsky Taylor Patriot Tatanka Hector Poffo Smiley Angle Disco saturn zybysko demon asya zman Adnan MVP Terkay Dixie Laroux Santino Whipwreck Goon Y2J Simmons spike sgt rosey bruno pope Streets dean Mosh Goldberg CW Ahmed Cottonwood Spivey Horace Yang Clarence warlord Swagger Axe hbilly croft severn shamrock west keirn onoo cj breeze funaki rowan corbin zayn amore schiavone reks charlotte Hawkins edge brutus graves mojo sasha 2cool Byron crowbar funk ascension shiek Jordan zeb dh eva Hassan jarrett kdog henry Cameron b2 hyatt hideo morales iaukea madusa beyer parker neville rodz cas bull owens daffney balor karagias kizarny pettingill gable asuka pearce blake murphy koko Murdoch hodge Carmella blaze embry dykstra bucks kane droz lynn rollins jtg davidflair hammer albert medusa timwhite trish
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by rtlighting95 »

Got back Vanessa Borne via the PC. Took 87 days.
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by randomone »

Had trouble logging in for a few days, but that's all fixed. I also got back from Ricochet on a card on Wednesday.

Brochester did you label your letter to just War Raiders or did you put Hanson & Rowe? I'm 0 for 2 with them and wanted to try one final time. Before I had sent to them individually. Never thought of sending together.
TTM-Bruno Backlund JR Duggan Orton Simmons Tito Volkoff Race Tully Putski Ax Teddy Swagger Dreamer Hawkins Horowitz Ascension Breeze Demott Angle Swoggle Stanford Graves Gunn Emma Neville Corbin Enzo Parker Jordan Taylor Morton Smiley Onoo Turner Ugene Saturn Charlotte Regal Eva Prichard Young Cole Finn Mickie Glacier Carlito Dogg Disco Jojo Sheik Sasha Zayn Bayley Luke Haku Animal Tye Cass English Itami Louis Fulton Kalisto Bull KO Neville Cameron Funk Drake King Madusa Dana Blake Murphy Crowe Cornette King Kay Godfather Funaki DDP Kane Ventura Goldberg Gable Rollins Cesaro Molly Mongo LeFort Nakamura Cesaro Albert Henry Ryback Royce Revival Nia Gabriel Bliss JJ Mandy Joe Jose TM61 Roddy Hart Otis Tucker Aries Ruby Laith Lacey Cutler Black Sanity Ohno Mauro Mooney Matha Paige TJP Ricochet Sara Serena Belair Borne Kai Dijak KOR Fish Candice Rush Conti Raul Burch EC3
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by brochester8 »

I put Hanson & Rowe on the envelope
TTM Favorites: Badd shango Molly Mountie Cole Arn Kozlov barry Bret Lashley Mickie DreamerBeulah BOrton Ugene Sharkboy Ventura Raven Glacier Buff Maria Conway Snow Outlaws Rico Gangrel Dillion Snitsky Taylor Patriot Tatanka Hector Poffo Smiley Angle Disco saturn zybysko demon asya zman Adnan MVP Terkay Dixie Laroux Santino Whipwreck Goon Y2J Simmons spike sgt rosey bruno pope Streets dean Mosh Goldberg CW Ahmed Cottonwood Spivey Horace Yang Clarence warlord Swagger Axe hbilly croft severn shamrock west keirn onoo cj breeze funaki rowan corbin zayn amore schiavone reks charlotte Hawkins edge brutus graves mojo sasha 2cool Byron crowbar funk ascension shiek Jordan zeb dh eva Hassan jarrett kdog henry Cameron b2 hyatt hideo morales iaukea madusa beyer parker neville rodz cas bull owens daffney balor karagias kizarny pettingill gable asuka pearce blake murphy koko Murdoch hodge Carmella blaze embry dykstra bucks kane droz lynn rollins jtg davidflair hammer albert medusa timwhite trish
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by randomone »

Appreciate the info. I'll give it one more try & hope for a better result.

Also I got back from Roderick Strong today on a card via the PC. Took a little over a month.
TTM-Bruno Backlund JR Duggan Orton Simmons Tito Volkoff Race Tully Putski Ax Teddy Swagger Dreamer Hawkins Horowitz Ascension Breeze Demott Angle Swoggle Stanford Graves Gunn Emma Neville Corbin Enzo Parker Jordan Taylor Morton Smiley Onoo Turner Ugene Saturn Charlotte Regal Eva Prichard Young Cole Finn Mickie Glacier Carlito Dogg Disco Jojo Sheik Sasha Zayn Bayley Luke Haku Animal Tye Cass English Itami Louis Fulton Kalisto Bull KO Neville Cameron Funk Drake King Madusa Dana Blake Murphy Crowe Cornette King Kay Godfather Funaki DDP Kane Ventura Goldberg Gable Rollins Cesaro Molly Mongo LeFort Nakamura Cesaro Albert Henry Ryback Royce Revival Nia Gabriel Bliss JJ Mandy Joe Jose TM61 Roddy Hart Otis Tucker Aries Ruby Laith Lacey Cutler Black Sanity Ohno Mauro Mooney Matha Paige TJP Ricochet Sara Serena Belair Borne Kai Dijak KOR Fish Candice Rush Conti Raul Burch EC3
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by wrestlevessel »

Got an autograph back from NXT wrestler Raul Mendoza.

Raul Mendoza- Mailed January 12th (Received January 26th)
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by wrestlevessel »

Got an autograph back from Duke "the Dumpster" Droese.

Duke Droese- Mailed January 17th (Received January 28th)
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Re: Wrestling Collectors?

Post by brochester8 »

I got back from Candice larae via the PC today on a picture and 2 cards. Awesome success took about 2 months.
TTM Favorites: Badd shango Molly Mountie Cole Arn Kozlov barry Bret Lashley Mickie DreamerBeulah BOrton Ugene Sharkboy Ventura Raven Glacier Buff Maria Conway Snow Outlaws Rico Gangrel Dillion Snitsky Taylor Patriot Tatanka Hector Poffo Smiley Angle Disco saturn zybysko demon asya zman Adnan MVP Terkay Dixie Laroux Santino Whipwreck Goon Y2J Simmons spike sgt rosey bruno pope Streets dean Mosh Goldberg CW Ahmed Cottonwood Spivey Horace Yang Clarence warlord Swagger Axe hbilly croft severn shamrock west keirn onoo cj breeze funaki rowan corbin zayn amore schiavone reks charlotte Hawkins edge brutus graves mojo sasha 2cool Byron crowbar funk ascension shiek Jordan zeb dh eva Hassan jarrett kdog henry Cameron b2 hyatt hideo morales iaukea madusa beyer parker neville rodz cas bull owens daffney balor karagias kizarny pettingill gable asuka pearce blake murphy koko Murdoch hodge Carmella blaze embry dykstra bucks kane droz lynn rollins jtg davidflair hammer albert medusa timwhite trish

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