Any luck on these actors?

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Any luck on these actors?

Post by Glunkothy »

I'm just wondering if anyone got any luck in sending to Will Smith and Billie Joe Armstrong?
I found a home address for Will Smith, but, I'm not sure if it's right... Also, would it be creepy if I sent to the home address?
As for Billie Joe Armstrong, I've seen people have had their letters returned. The last known post was 2015
Thanks in advance
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Re: Any luck on these actors?

Post by ranbowski »

You get a home address go for it... just don't write anything creepy like, "I'm watching you". They get a few response sent to their house I'm sure. I've had to hunt & peck to find some home addresses. The harder the address to find, the better chance you have of receiving them.

I've now got over 500 responses but I've never tried either of those two. Best advice, if you have a home address for Will send it. You might be surprised. As far as Billie Joe Armstrong it might be a little more tricky since you don't have an un-advertised address. I suggest...

- Find a venue where Green Day is visiting & send it to the venue a week before they arrive.
- An even better idea is to find when his side project Pinhead Gunpowder is touring again & send it to a venue a week in advance.
- He has a Broadway show American Idiots. If it's still at Broadway then try there if he's there performing.

Keep in mind I have not heard of any success from him so be prepared to get no response when you send to him. If you have any success with Will Smith, might I ask for the address. I promise not to share. Let us know if it works. Actually personal home address is how I got SHAQ's autograph 5 years ago. Good Luck

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autograph hound
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Re: Any luck on these actors?

Post by autograph hound »

...and *never* publish their home addy online (just common sense really)

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