Another whosurdaddy problem.

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Post by Joey »

I agree with Daniel. If he really didn't want to be here, he'd leave :?
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Post by sabrewulf »

Hi all,

Here are my thoughts on the 'whosurdaddy' debate. Firstly, reputation points dont mean anything to people like this. He doesnt care what you think of him, he will just laugh it off. Secondly, I dont think that banning him will solve the issue, it will probably make it worse as whats stopping him registering under a different name and starting the whole thing over? What has he got to lose? Has doesnt care about his reputation anyway.

I personally dont think that he regards himself as being rude. I think that he is 'blunt' and 'to the point' and that he feels a great smugness in being the first to tell someone that they have a pre-print or an autopen. And if he regards your success is fake he will make sure you know about it.

The only thing that annoys me about people like this is the 'way' in which he tells people that they have received a pre-print or whatever. I am using my posted success of Morgan Freeman as an example here, as after I posted my success and being quite chuffed with it, he merely wrote 'Its a Pre-Print'. There was no 'Hi, a nice repsonse, but I think it may be a Pre-Print because .......'. As I said before, he is blunt and to-the-point with no friendlyness or feeling. That annoyed me, which is why I asked him to explain why he thought it was a Pre-Print. If you find the post, you will see that he was infact right about the photo being a Pre-Print and also showed proof. BUT, as was mentioned before, we WAITED until the post got a bit heated before showing the proof. He should have showed me straight away and avoided the whole thing, but we now know he enjoys watching a 'fight' break out before stepping-in.

The solution? Well, heres my opinion:
Don't ban him, its better we know who he is and when he posts.
Don't give him reputation points whether positive OR negative, he doesnt care either way and only uses them as an excuse to start another bad post.

The best way to deal with people like this is to IGNORE them. Don't get drawn into his arguments and if you feel that hes replies are unneccesary, then just DELETE them.

He will always think he knows everything and he will always post blunt replies, BUT as he has said in the PM he sent to rpbluesman, he does find proof 9 out of 10 times and maybe he does do research like he claims, we will never really know, but I for one WAS glad to (finally) see the proof about the Morgan Freeman photo, as now I can spend time trying again to get a real one.

Remember the wise old saying: Better the devil you know!

Sorry this turned out to be a long one, but I had to have my say 8)
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Post by Joey »

Very well put sabrewulf {up} I completely agree with you.

The only problem is that only admin and Ian can actually delete posts from the Feedback forum, which is where most of his posts are.
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Post by cernan »

Well he wasn't exactly too rude, but he may have been trying to provoke an arguement. Do any of you all know for a fact if what he said about autopens is true? I have honestly never heard of it.
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Post by Chrissy »

He wasn't too rude this time. He has truth to what he is saying. Celebrities sometimes do send out more than one different type of PP. I think all we can do right now, is watch him and see what happens.

Chrissy :D
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Post by TheCollector »

cernan wrote:Do any of you all know for a fact if what he said about autopens is true? I have honestly never heard of it.
Hi cernan,

I have never heard of this either (I am talking about the ---- bit!)

The autopen machines I have seen simply just sign the auto, a bit like one of those heart monitor machines you get in hospital.

You can swap pens which just clip into the moving part so you can get different colours/metallics etc.

The shakiness is usually due to the pen catching on the surface of the photo as it moves across. You can simulate the effect by trying to sign your name holding a pen by the top instead of near the base as you would normally!

Hope this bit of useless info was helpful :P

Ian :mrgreen:
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Post by elmomommyto2 »

Well, just peachy. Now for some reason I'm being attacked for not caring whether or not my autographs are real or not. This member is driving me nuts :shock:. Now only R.S.V.P can have his opinion according to whosurdaddy, but I can't have the right to have MINE! Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.
whosurdaddy wrote:I ABSOLUTELY AGREE Melisssa but for some unknown reason some( very few) on here absolutely dont care if their autographs are authentic. elmomommyto1, a moderator, is proof of that after reading her post. RSVP Made a statement which according to elmomommyto1 according to her post has a right to make his opinion. If you read RSVP's statement he said most which would constitute over 50% of the posts on here. If you actually take the time and read every single post like I have there is no way you can argue that what RSVP stated is indeed accurate. I'm just stating facts. Before you go throwing negatives PM me and I will explain my position further. Like I said in so many words in a previous post the young collectors of today quite frankly DON'T get the help as some of us collectors did 20- 30 years ago. Now if you email OR Write most collectors/dealers who have been in the hobby and have the experience and knowledge your asked for a fee. But there are a very few who do take the time on sites like this who come on here and actually try to help which quite frankly at times I wonder why. Getting the rude negs. etc. But I love the hobby and if getting 100 negs. by other collectors and if there is one young collector out there who actually benefits form a post I made it's well worth it. Being in the hobby as long as I have I actually blame the hobby as a whole for not doing more for the young collectors. To Hell with your fees and remember where you came from unfortunately most have forgotten.

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