Request address no help

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Re: Request address no help

Post by cagneyfan »

I can see your point but there is still something to be said about why you are getting so worked up about it. I'm sure others who read this post will see what I'm talking about when it comes to your responses. They remind me of a movie called The Caine Mutiny where Humphrey Bogart tries to make excuses for his misguided actions commanding a ship at war and only winds up convincing everyone that he was crazy. The person that projects the awkward behavior never seems to see it themselves. You give me the impression that you seem to think that you are the last word on this subject and maybe you are not as giving a person as me, but that's your right. I agree that people should strive for themselves before depending on others or taking the easy way out. I apply that myself to important things but when it comes to an autograph web site I think we would all benefit if certain members would try to lighten up a bit. I agree with asluckyas13canbe when he states that this site leaves much to be desired and I could say that what difference are my petty mistakes going to add to it but I don't. I am open minded enough to understand your point of view but in my opinion it is too harsh and is not my nature. I'm sure any members who read this would agree with me or you but is anyone 100% right? If I can save a lot of time asking another member for some help and I can help any one of them - so be it - it doesn't bother me. Where is the harm in helping each other? Believe me, as you get older you will see how many more important things there are in life than to getting so upset over something like this. At any rate I seriously have to say that this at least makes for some interesting conversation and is a refreshing change from an otherwise sometimes boring forum.
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Re: Request address no help

Post by MW1221 »

cagneyfan wrote:I can see your point but there is still something to be said about why you are getting so worked up about it. I'm sure others who read this post will see what I'm talking about when it comes to your responses. They remind me of a movie called The Caine Mutiny where Humphrey Bogart tries to make excuses for his misguided actions commanding a ship at war and only winds up convincing everyone that he was crazy. The person that projects the awkward behavior never seems to see it themselves. You give me the impression that you seem to think that you are the last word on this subject and maybe you are not as giving a person as me, but that's your right. I agree that people should strive for themselves before depending on others or taking the easy way out. I apply that myself to important things but when it comes to an autograph web site I think we would all benefit if certain members would try to lighten up a bit. I agree with asluckyas13canbe when he states that this site leaves much to be desired and I could say that what difference are my petty mistakes going to add to it but I don't. I am open minded enough to understand your point of view but in my opinion it is too harsh and is not my nature. I'm sure any members who read this would agree with me or you but is anyone 100% right? If I can save a lot of time asking another member for some help and I can help any one of them - so be it - it doesn't bother me. Where is the harm in helping each other? Believe me, as you get older you will see how many more important things there are in life than to getting so upset over something like this. At any rate I seriously have to say that this at least makes for some interesting conversation and is a refreshing change from an otherwise sometimes boring forum.
I'm getting worked up?

You compared my response to the Nazis, but I'm the one getting worked up? :roll:

I have no idea what you're going on about, but believe me when I say that you're the only one in this thread carrying on and whining.

I did help you. You're yet to say "Thank you", by the way.

I'll explain this to you one more time:
-You wanted an address
-You couldn't find an address
-You posted in the Request An Address forum
-Nobody responded
-You weren't satisfied with the fact that nobody on the forum had an address, so you asked for help in this forum finding an address
-I responded with a guide that I took the time to make which gives every tip available for finding an address, as well as 7 sites to check that most don't think to check, so as to help you find an address
-You threw a hissy fit because I didn't do all the work for you
-I explained how you can use the guide to find the address and asked if you followed the listed steps
-You ignored the question threw another hissy fit because "you spent a lot of time searching for these addresses and found nothing" and that I "really didn't make sense"
-I asked you again if you followed the steps in the guide I made and if you needed help making sense out of what I thought were very clear tips
-You again didn't answer my questions and proceeded to compare my assistance to Nazis
-I explained how this is absolutely nothing like the Nazis and proceeded to once again explain how you can use my tips to find the addresses you're looking for
-You complained that I'm "getting worked up" and being "too harsh"

Was any part of that inaccurate?

I have no idea what your problem is, but I gave you several tips on how to find the address. Use them or don't--it's not my problem.

What is my problem is that you seem to think that, despite the fact that you asked for help finding these addresses in the Collecting Help forum, you've put in so much time already that someone else should took the advice I'm giving you, find the addresses for you, and post them here.

I'll make this part clearer too.

Does MW1221 want to write to the people whose addresses that cagneyfan wants? No.
Does MW1221 know the addresses that cagneyfan wants? No.
Does MW1221 have an idea on how those addresses can be located? Yes.
So MW1221 told cagneyfan how to find those addresses for free.
Does cagneyfan now know how to find the addresses? Yes.
Has cagneyfan heeded that advice? No.
So why is that MW1221's problem? It's not.

If you want the addresses, I've told you every way possible to find them.

Like I said, use my tips or don't, but don't throw a tantrum because I won't do the work to track down stars of a show I've never watched.

I believe wholeheartedly in sharing addresses and I think that the "Here's my Feedback, but I won't tell you the address" business is nonsense.

But in those cases, and listen very carefully to this, ONE PARTY ALREADY KNOWS THE ADDRESS, unlike this where NOBODY HAS THE ADDRESS.

I don't know the addresses, I don't care about the addresses, I gave you tips on how to find the addresses.

Bringing it back to the fish analogy:
If I were going fishing and you said "Hey, bring me back some fish", I'd say fine. (Going fishing here, for my metaphorically challenged friends, is "looking for these particular addresses")

But what you're doing is saying "Hey, I know I live closer to the fishing spot, and I know you have absolutely no use for fish, but I was out fishing all day yesterday, so can you go fishing today for the sole purpose of bringing me fish?"

If the problem is that you don't know how to fish, I'd take you and show you.
But if I've given you every imaginable tip on how to fish, you agree that you know how to fish, you just think you put in enough time as it is, no that is not cause for someone else to go out of their way to get you fish.

You have the skills necessary to find the address, you have the time necessary to find the address, you have a list of 7 jumping off points, you have a list of words to use in your search to increase your chances of Google finding you an address...What more are you wanting from people on this forum? Because it must be something if you're complaining about how "harsh" I am and how this is comparable to Nazi Germany.

MW1221 OUT! *drops microphone*
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Re: Request address no help

Post by stillluckyas13canbe »

Guys, I have been chatting to both of you in PM, and you're both reasonable people who put a lot into this forum. This has, in my humble opinion, got a wee bit out of hand and it's spiralling downwards. cagney... if you haven't pursued all suggestions, then one might help you find the contacts (I just checked the paid site we talked about recently, there is no current mail address and the weblink there is dead). If you still need help, then I wouldn't be afraid to ask if all avenues have been explored. MW... there is a fine line (which I have crossed many times myself) between preserving integrity and coming across as self righteous. Sometimes when we look back we can see that. There are plenty of other fools using this site who have done a lot worse than this, and I do think in this case the OP was feeling a bit lost as to how to find the address or get help (this in part due to the Request an Address forum being undermanned and one which has fallen by the wayside in light of Admin's lack of attention to the forum)
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Re: Request address no help

Post by cagneyfan »

That's OK by me. Like I said, this was thoroughly entertaining for what it was and I could have been a wise guy and shut it down long ago by simply asking where the rules say I have to go through this ordeal of following every single avenue before I deserve to ask another member for an address. Plain and simple, the problem boils down to inadequte rules in the forums and not enough information. If something is broken, berating people with a negative attitude does nothing to mend it if that is his intent. The other thing I don't get is why I'm hounded by this guy for asking for an address and no one else is? On hindsight I don't take kindly to being singled out. Go after the furniture spammers if you want to be constructive. To avoid this action upsetting him from now on I want him to realize that upon reading this, that when I ask for help, he is excluded. Again, there is nothing in the rules that says I have to do what he says and hopefully he is mature enough to let me ask for an address in the future without giving me his IDIOT warning. In other words I will not want his opinion when I post something. Since we seem to butt heads I feel the peaceful solution is to not converse. This makes sense to me. Of course MW1221 will be compelled to have the last word as is his makeup so I will let him have the last post thus proving my point and my response is ended here. Happy collecting! :)

BTW - I emailed that paid autograph web site a few days ago and am still waiting for them to get back to me.
Last edited by cagneyfan on Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Request address no help

Post by MW1221 »

stillluckyas13canbe wrote:Guys, I have been chatting to both of you in PM, and you're both reasonable people who put a lot into this forum. This has, in my humble opinion, got a wee bit out of hand and it's spiralling downwards. cagney... if you haven't pursued all suggestions, then one might help you find the contacts (I just checked the paid site we talked about recently, there is no current mail address and the weblink there is dead). If you still need help, then I wouldn't be afraid to ask if all avenues have been explored. MW... there is a fine line (which I have crossed many times myself) between preserving integrity and coming across as self righteous. Sometimes when we look back we can see that. There are plenty of other fools using this site who have done a lot worse than this, and I do think in this case the OP was feeling a bit lost as to how to find the address or get help (this in part due to the Request an Address forum being undermanned and one which has fallen by the wayside in light of Admin's lack of attention to the forum)
And it's for people who feel lost when it comes to finding an address that I've created a guide to help people find addresses.

Like I've said, I've posted that guide to help people, and it answers the question that was asked.

My problem isn't that the question was asked. I welcome the opportunity to further educate people on how they can find addresses. It's why I created that guide on my time in the first place, and update it with every reference source I find as I find them.

My problem is that after I provided a link that shows one how best to find an address online without using a pay site, the OP proceeded to have what I can only perceive as a hissy fit temper tantrum, because I didn't do all the work to find the addresses myself.

The OP, as you said, posted here looking for help on how to find an address. I responded by providing websites to check and words to Google (also referred to as "help to find an address"). The OP decided to flip out and compare that to the Nazi regime, because I didn't look up addresses I wouldn't use when:
a) they're equally capable
b) they know where to look and what to look for (I know that's the case because I provided them with a step by step guide on the subject)
c) they want to the use the address

They also proceeded to ignore every relevant question asked and my willingness to further explain how best they can find an address in favor of (again) attacking me and my advice, because I didn't give them an address on a silver platter.
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Re: Request address no help

Post by MW1221 »

cagneyfan wrote:That's OK by me. Like I said, this was thoroughly entertaining for what it was and I could have been a wise guy and shut it down long ago by simply asking where the rules say I have to go through this ordeal of following every single avenue before I deserve to ask another member for an address.
You didn't ask for an address. You asked for help finding one.

cagneyfan wrote:Plain and simple, the problem boils down to inadequte rules in the forums and not enough information. If something is broken, berating people with a negative attitude does nothing to mend it if that is his intent.
Not enough information? I gave you information. You decided it wasn't good enough.
cagneyfan wrote:The other thing I don't get is why I'm hounded by this guy for asking for an address and no one else is? On hindsight I don't take kindly to being singled out.
Because apparently, you can't read. I've explained this repeatedly.
cagneyfan wrote:To avoid this action upsetting him from now on I want him to realize that upon reading this, that when I ask for help, he is excluded. Again, there is nothing in the rules that says I have to do what he says and hopefully he is mature enough to let me ask for an address in the future without giving me his IDIOT warning.
I answered your question repeatedly. You decided the answer wasn't good enough. You want an address? Post in "Request an Address". You posted here because you wanted help finding an address. Which I offered. Repeatedly.
cagneyfan wrote:Of course MW1221 will be compelled to have the last word as is his makeup so I will let him have the last post thus proving my point and my response is ended here.
And, of course, it ends in an attack. I'd expect nothing else from you.
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Re: Request address no help

Post by stillluckyas13canbe »

Any hope of this just calming down?

It's getting more than a little bit out of hand, for no reason whatsoever.
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Re: Request address no help

Post by MW1221 »

stillluckyas13canbe wrote:Any hope of this just calming down?

It's getting more than a little bit out of hand, for no reason whatsoever.
I honestly don't care.

The OP has proven time and time again here that they're incapable of reading, and they seem to think that I "singled them out", and other random stupid comments that have no basis in reality.

They ask for help finding an address, I gave it, they got pissed off because the rules don't say that they have to listen to me? Is that it?

Only on this forum will you find people who ask for your help and then spit in your face and insult you when you give it to them.
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Re: Request address no help

Post by Barbie »

MW1221 wrote:
stillluckyas13canbe wrote:Any hope of this just calming down?

It's getting more than a little bit out of hand, for no reason whatsoever.
I honestly don't care.

The OP has proven time and time again here that they're incapable of reading, and they seem to think that I "singled them out", and other random stupid comments that have no basis in reality.

They ask for help finding an address, I gave it, they got **** off because the rules don't say that they have to listen to me? Is that it?

Only on this forum will you find people who ask for your help and then spit in your face and insult you when you give it to them.
Yes I noticed that when I pm'd a guy too help him with a football managers address a few weeks ago he said that was his old address I gave him and he had a rts from it and he blamed me for eating his time and so called money.
I was only trying too help the guy and he swore rude names and called me a whoore just because of that. {down}
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Re: Request address no help

Post by DiamondDave »

MW1221 wrote:
cagneyfan wrote:Now I think you are being unreasonable. I typed Ken's name in the search bar and got a RTS on the address so I looked on google for around an hour to no avail. I had asked previously on Request Address Forum to no avail. If there were a search bar in the forums where I could put his name in and get previous history in the last 1o years I would do it. (unless I'm missing it). Maybe you remember what happened with his address in a post from years ago but I'm not spending hours going through old posts back to 2004 - I did enough research and now I'm trying to get some help from a fellow member - so I gave this a one-time shot since the Request Forum wasn't fruitful. So why the big idiot announcement again? I don't get it - show me where on this site that would have told me not to try to get his address?
I'm not being unreasonable, you just didn't read the post.

It lists multiple websites to check for an address, as well as various words to Google with the name to come up with an address, as well as the statement that if none of those work, then the address likely isn't available for free anywhere.

Did you check every one of the multiple websites listed? Did you Google every combination suggested?

Or did you just read the title and decide to get all self-righteous and ****?
When did you become an admin/moderator?
The rudeness implied in your posts is over the top, especially for a poster that is asking for assistance.
There is a difference between being rude to trolls and to folks simply looking for help.
Learn the difference.
Trolls be gone!

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