Success in the Making

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Re: Success in the Making

Post by MW1221 »

supes123 wrote:guys we all need to relax here mw you are goin overboard

I disagree wholeheartedly.

I could've gone off on him without answering his question, but instead, I took the time to do so.

And the selfish ****** couldn't be bothered even saying thank you.

So no, I don't think I went overboard at all.

And he needs to change his signature. The irony wore off and now it just gives me a headache.
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by supes123 »

MW1221 wrote:
supes123 wrote:guys we all need to relax here mw you are goin overboard

I disagree wholeheartedly.

I could've gone off on him without answering his question, but instead, I took the time to do so.

And the selfish ****** couldn't be bothered even saying thank you.

So no, I don't think I went overboard at all.

And he needs to change his signature. The irony wore off and now it just gives me a headache.
really copy and paste the guy made a mistake lets stop grilling him
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by MW1221 »

supes123 wrote:
MW1221 wrote:
supes123 wrote:guys we all need to relax here mw you are goin overboard

I disagree wholeheartedly.

I could've gone off on him without answering his question, but instead, I took the time to do so.

And the selfish ****** couldn't be bothered even saying thank you.

So no, I don't think I went overboard at all.

And he needs to change his signature. The irony wore off and now it just gives me a headache.
really copy and paste the guy made a mistake lets stop grilling him
Yes, copy and paste. You said something to me that I had already responded to without bothering to integrate the response.

Therefore, as I had already replied to that statement, I figured you had missed it, so I showed it to you again, because if you had seen it, you wouldn't have written your pointless post.

If the post is equally applicable, then yes, I will copy and paste, because, unlike you and the OP, I prefer to spend the time I have to write posts writing new posts, instead restating things that have already been replied to.

TL; DR? Your post is just as pointless as the original, as it's restating something that had already been responded to.
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by supes123 »

Dude just stop grilling on people if anything grill yourself
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by MW1221 »

supes123 wrote:Dude just stop grilling on people if anything grill yourself
Ok, I'll try this one more time, and do it in your language.

Duuuuuuuuuuuude. You should like totally read what people write before replying to them, man. Like, uh, if you don't, you, uh, aren't saying anything, bro.

You gotta like, um, read what was said and then, um, decide how to reply to it.

I mean, gosh, dude, just saying the same thing over and over is like, uh, really annoying, and it, uh, has no point. Like seriously, man.

Yeah, I can't do this.

Your comments are pointless, stupid, and say nothing. Nobody's grilling anyone. If you want to engage in meaningful discussion, fine. But you aren't. You're saying NOTHING.

If you say I'm going overboard in response to my explanation of how I'm not without bringing anything new to the table, then your comment didn't add anything. You simply restated someone else's comment which had already been responded to, and then you were surprised when you got the same response.

You got the same response because you said the same thing.

As for this comment, I don't know what the heck you think "grilling" means, but as I've asked no questions to anyone, I've grilled nobody.

It seems like you have a problem when I take what someone says and reply to it in a way that integrates what they said. But, what you seem to be missing (in addition to what I can only assume are several IQ points & a high school diploma) is that such a back and forth is how conversations work.

So, to sum up:

Stupid Post:
-Says nothing new
-Adds nothing to discussion
-In no way actually replies to previous posts
-Appears to be written solely so the poster can say they posted something
Basically 2/3 of your posts in this thread.

Constructive Post:
-Integrates past posts into a well formulated response
-Provides insights that have not been previously provided
-Shows that the poster has actually read the thread on which they're replying
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by supes123 »

i never want you talking to me again you jerk
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by stillluckyas13canbe »

You're all missing the point to an epic proportion. The OP posted this knowing he would get a reaction. Think about it... why would he need to ask that question? Quite why he felt the need to do so I don't know, can only assume his mummy confiscated his tonka trucks for the day and he thought he'd try out this humour thing he read about in the big boy books.

He likes to kick off every now and again to appear big, hurl some abuse at people then disappear again. If you ignore him he goes away for a while.
Things not to do, forget your autosaved password for a forum. Woops.

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Re: Success in the Making

Post by george2607 »

OK_--let's all take a step back and look a t this.

1. DL asked a very dump question--sorry but it was.

2. MW over reacted--you have wasted so much time repeating everything several times which, sorry, was also dumb. My thinking is that you should have just ignored it. There is an old saying "Don't wrestle with the pig". Why not? Because the pig will drag you into the mud and pigs love the mud. I understand that you feel strongly about time being taken up with points that should be known but I bet it won't be the last one we get.

It isn't that I want the last word but really guys enough is enough. And it is getting personal which is not how it should be. So, let's agree to disagree on this and have a truce.

I'd like to see 2 or 3 messages containing 2 letters and 2 periods "O.K."
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by MW1221 »

supes123 wrote:i never want you talking to me again you jerk
Don't post stupid comments and I won't. If you think I'm going to go out of my way to talk to you or not talk to you, you should see a counselor or psychiatrist for that god complex.
george2607 wrote:OK_--let's all take a step back and look a t this.

1. DL asked a very dump question--sorry but it was.

2. MW over reacted--you have wasted so much time repeating everything several times which, sorry, was also dumb. My thinking is that you should have just ignored it. There is an old saying "Don't wrestle with the pig". Why not? Because the pig will drag you into the mud and pigs love the mud. I understand that you feel strongly about time being taken up with points that should be known but I bet it won't be the last one we get.

It isn't that I want the last word but really guys enough is enough. And it is getting personal which is not how it should be. So, let's agree to disagree on this and have a truce.

I'd like to see 2 or 3 messages containing 2 letters and 2 periods "O.K."
You're in no position to tell anyone that they wasted their own time. I don't feel that way at all, and it's my time. You seem to think that I was talking directly to the posters in this thread. I was not.

I was explaining my policy on dealing with idiots to everyone in the forum who happens upon this thread. Hopefully it will make for less idiots.

As for what you'd like to see, I'd like to see a few million dollars in bank account. Some things aren't going to happen.

I've already explained how I didn't overreact. Do I need to show you the list of what makes for a Stupid Post and what constitutes a Constructive Post?
stillluckyas13canbe wrote:You're all missing the point to an epic proportion. The OP posted this knowing he would get a reaction. Think about it... why would he need to ask that question? Quite why he felt the need to do so I don't know, can only assume his mummy confiscated his tonka trucks for the day and he thought he'd try out this humour thing he read about in the big boy books.

He likes to kick off every now and again to appear big, hurl some abuse at people then disappear again. If you ignore him he goes away for a while.
I missed nothing--He's a big troll. Even his signature shows it (which really does give me a headache).

See above--my posts were directed at the forum at large.
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Re: Success in the Making

Post by supes123 »

you are so arrogant i was gonna do a truce but you know what forget about you arrogant ***


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