Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by twiguy666 »

wouldn't worry about it Alex. she is just a stuck up b!tch who thinks she knows everything about everything. she has been kissing her own a$$ during her many professional years of collecting hahaha and being a member on here and no one cares what she thinks.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by naidivad »

This forum has sunk so low :shock:
Fortunately there are other places on the web
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by twiguy666 »

naidivad wrote:This forum has sunk so low :shock:
Fortunately there are other places on the web
Haha what like CA for instance?? And put up with that bunch of arrogant cows. No thanks. Maybe u can take the know it all OP of this topic. She would fit in perfectly.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by vivalakayla »

twiguy666 wrote: Haha what like CA for instance?? And put up with that bunch of arrogant cows. No thanks. Maybe u can take the know it all OP of this topic. She would fit in perfectly.
LOL! No one cares about what YOU think. You don't even post many successes or failures on this site. So why are you even here? You don't contribute none but run your mouth.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by vivalakayla »

twiguy666 wrote:wouldn't worry about it Alex. she is just a stuck up b!tch who thinks she knows everything about everything. she has been kissing her own a$$ during her many professional years of collecting hahaha and being a member on here and no one cares what she thinks.
Never said I was a professional. I'm far from it, and don't think so either. Nor do I care. I collect autographs for me, and not anyone else. =)
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by vivalakayla »

johnnylightninglives wrote: You hate being schooled and are a rude person {down}
Aw, that so totally hurt my feelings... Not :roll:

I could care less what a person behind a monitor thinks about me. Hahaha.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by twiguy666 »

vivalakayla wrote:
twiguy666 wrote:wouldn't worry about it Alex. she is just a stuck up b!tch who thinks she knows everything about everything. she has been kissing her own a$$ during her many professional years of collecting hahaha and being a member on here and no one cares what she thinks.
Never said I was a professional. I'm far from it, and don't think so either. Nor do I care. I collect autographs for me, and not anyone else. =)

whatever. you get defensive anytime someone gives their opinion because you think you know it all. why are you even here? your "successes" are pathetic. and there are heaps of people on here that have been collecting way longer than you and know more than you. you just love yourself way too much.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by vivalakayla »

twiguy666 wrote: whatever. you get defensive anytime someone gives their opinion because you think you know it all. why are you even here? your "successes" are pathetic. and there are heaps of people on here that have been collecting way longer than you and know more than you. you just love yourself way too much.
"Whatever" That's what someone says when they don't have a good comeback to say. Or have no idea what they are talking about. ;-)

I don't get defensive. Share your opinion all you want. But if your opinion is fucking stupid, I'm going to obviously also think you are. Why am I here? Because I've been here for alot longer than you, my dear. And I will continue to be probably even after YOU leave. Atleast I post my successes, and mine are pathetic? Really? Haha. If you only knew how many successes I've gotten from private emails / home addresses that I haven't posted on here, because I don't rub things in people's faces like other people here & then not help out, you'd totally take back that comment. Not only that but all those private address / home address successes are right on my Flickr.

Where is your autograph collection, hmmm? Do you have it posted somewhere online so we can compare whose collection is better? Oh yes, that's right - I could care less about your collection, or you... Why are you even posting on my threads if you think I'm such a horrible person? You must like me a little because you see that I am the original poster of every post I make and yet you continue to post on them. :roll: You can stop posting on this thread now because I'm not coming back to continue to fight with a little man over the computer.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by twiguy666 »

vivalakayla wrote:
twiguy666 wrote: whatever. you get defensive anytime someone gives their opinion because you think you know it all. why are you even here? your "successes" are pathetic. and there are heaps of people on here that have been collecting way longer than you and know more than you. you just love yourself way too much.
"Whatever" That's what someone says when they don't have a good comeback to say. Or have no idea what they are talking about. ;-)

I don't get defensive. Share your opinion all you want. But if your opinion is **** stupid, I'm going to obviously also think you are. Why am I here? Because I've been here for alot longer than you, my dear. And I will continue to be probably even after YOU leave. Atleast I post my successes, and mine are pathetic? Really? Haha. If you only knew how many successes I've gotten from private emails / home addresses that I haven't posted on here, because I don't rub things in people's faces like other people here & then not help out, you'd totally take back that comment. Not only that but all those private address / home address successes are right on my Flickr.

Where is your autograph collection, hmmm? Do you have it posted somewhere online so we can compare whose collection is better? Oh yes, that's right - I could care less about your collection, or you... Why are you even posting on my threads if you think I'm such a horrible person? You must like me a little because you see that I am the original poster of every post I make and yet you continue to post on them. :roll: You can stop posting on this thread now because I'm not coming back to continue to fight with a little man over the computer.

oh awesome response! just talk about how much better you are than everyone else and kiss your own a$$ for 2 paragraphs. you are about as dumb as you are arrogant.

so when the mail gets delivered to your trailer park, do you sit down with all your cats and go over your many awesome replies from all of your awesome private address/email requests? bet that must be a blast for you as I can only imagine most people can't stand to be around you and have to listen to the sh!t pouring out of your mouth about how all of your successes are so much better than everyone else's and how no one on this website can have an opinion without it being shut down by a know it all b!tch like you. and love it how you don't like being "schooled" by people, that just makes me laugh. I bet you never even finished high school lol. your cats probably need to be fed so I will leave you to it.
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Re: Dwayne Johnson "Snitch" RTS

Post by vivalakayla »

twiguy666 wrote:so when the mail gets delivered to your trailer park, do you sit down with all your cats and go over your many awesome replies from all of your awesome private address/email requests? bet that must be a blast for you as I can only imagine most people can't stand to be around you and have to listen to the sh!t pouring out of your mouth about how all of your successes are so much better than everyone else's and how no one on this website can have an opinion without it being shut down by a know it all b!tch like you. and love it how you don't like being "schooled" by people, that just makes me laugh. I bet you never even finished high school lol. your cats probably need to be fed so I will leave you to it.
LOL! I so don't live in a trailer park. I live in a brand new 2007 4 bedroom house. I also don't own a cat. Instead of saying stuff about my life, of which you have no idea about any of it... why don't you take a look at yours? Also never said my successes are better than anyone else's. Lol. You LOOOOVE to put shit people's mouths, don't you? I will however, admit to you - that my house is probably 10 times better than yours. :lol: ;-) And for your pleasure....


Like I said, I'm not going to argue with someone I do NOT know. Nor will I ever meet. So, WHY are you arguing with meeee?! Jee Whiz, go to work!


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