Breakfats with Steppenwolf...

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Breakfats with Steppenwolf...

Post by mrgoo1 »

Last night, my wife and I saw John Kay and Steppenwolf and I made friends with a member of one of the opening acts. I first asked for his autograph being the first to ask him. Steppenwolf rocked for a band of 40 years. Anyway, after the show, we went to a Huddle House resturant for breakfast. We had just sat down and ordered when Ron Hurst, drummer of Steppenwolf, came in with their manager to eat. I visited with him for a bit getting his autograph. He said to tell Eric Singer, of KISS, hi when I wrote him, being good friends with each other. I plan on dropping the hell out of his name... LOL! Scan of ticket tomorrow... stay tuned.
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