Do You Believe In God?

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Re: Do You Believe In God?

by oryxandcrake » Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:18 pm

Everyone is an atheist to most religions.
I just believe in one god less than most people.

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by spotytomp3 » Tue Aug 06, 2019 3:48 pm

Yes i used to believe but not now

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by jtalmodovar26 » Sat Aug 03, 2019 4:17 pm

I think I believe . I want to believe but, the facts provided by science are all right there in front of us saying that we're on our own out here. I do believe that we all need religion though. The world is extremely f***ed up and we all need something to get us through our time and lifetime here. I guess i follow the bible but not word for word like the superchristian-everybody's a sinner out there. The bible is a book of stories , morals found in all religions not a rule book on how to live life. I also don't believe in Hell . Shouldn't God and Jesus accept us as we are and not punish us for being sinners and when it comes down to it , Humans?

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by dr.robbie » Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:36 am

Yes I do. I use to be an atheist and thought people who believed in a God and such were uneducated idiots. Then I did some searching myself, prayed quite a bit, read the Bible, and got a feeling of peace that's hard to explain. So, in short, yes I believe there is a God.

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by packrat » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:03 am

dakotawint wrote:not to offend, but Christan religions are stolen from earlier religions almost story from story. The resurrection, the cross, the virgin birth, the disciples, and if i remember correctly even the walking on water.. the list goes on.
Actually, it's the other way around. All those things were predicted right from the begining, in the book of Genesis and onward. Other religions that had their beginings after the Tower of Bable incident all knew some things that were understood at that time, and adopted them in one form or another.

Obviously, I do believe in Him. But that's not really the issue. The issue is: Does God really exist? If He does exist I would think it's best to know Him on His terms, not mine or yours.

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by dakotawint » Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:45 pm

pinoygreats wrote:Scientists are not so scientific thats why i believe in God.
Come again?

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by pinoygreats » Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:01 pm

Scientists are not so scientific thats why i believe in God.

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by osiris » Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:42 pm

No, I don't. Simply because I do not believe an omnipotent and omnipresent being is possible, according to the laws of physics. I also have no time for a being that would send someone to "hell" for not believing, but otherwise live their life as a good person trying to better themselves and others. There are many other things I find objectionable about the "rules". It simply does not equate with the "loving" god people claim exists.

The Bible, Quran, Torah etc are stories and fables, which hold some nice ideas, but are ultimately flawed as they were written by man. Did Jesus exist? Yes, possibly... but if he thought he was the son of god I fear for his sanity.

When people say that the universe cannot have begun on its own and SOMETHING must have started it... I question how that "something" came into being. I am often told "God has always been there". I find that puzzling and illogical.

I do believe there are questions we do not have the answers for... and answers we do not have the questions for. But I don't believe there's a bearded man in the sky deciding if I'm being a good girl or not.

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by dipayanban » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:03 am

Until someone can prove to me that God exists, I would rather choose to believe the scientists who spent their entire lives and minds to study evolution and genetics.
Besides, I think that religion should be based around tolerating the beliefs of other people and treating everyone equally, because, as someone said earlier, we are all searching for something higher than ourselves, whether it be god or dark matter or chaos theory or whatever. {up}

Re: Do You Believe In God?

by dipayanban » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:03 am

Until someone can prove to me that God exists, I would rather choose to believe the scientists who spent their entire lives and minds to study evolution and genetics.
Besides, I think that religion should be based around tolerating the beliefs of other people and treating everyone equally, because, as someone said earlier, we are all searching for something higher than ourselves, whether it be god or dark matter or chaos theory or whatever. {up}
