who is the worst celebrity to meet

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Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by Corriefan » Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:13 pm

I went to Manchester recently and met several Coronation Street stars outside the gates of Granada Studios and one was particularly rude, Anthony Cotton. He was talking to another Corrie colleague and as soon as she walked off he accelerated very fast out of the gate and looked straight ahead, almost crashing into the car in front.

Usually they wave if they dotn stop as they do not have to stop but to make it so obvious like he did. Seems some cant handle the fame but we pay their bills and they have to expect it when they are in the public eye.

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by dogsoldierspoon » Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:11 am

I haven't met many celebrities that were really rude. Many were very nice, others just didn't have to say very much (but then again, I often don't really know what to say so that's okay).

Worst encounter was without a doubt William Shatner. I'm not a fan of his (never watched Star Trek) but my dad asked me to get his autograph for him when he was at a convention. Guy didn't even look at me, to think he charged 100€! for an autograph. Total douchebag. I'm glad he wasn't my childhood hero, would've damaged my memories.

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by Jaffer » Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:51 pm

velvetgold wrote:

But ah! I love reading all these stories yet they make me cringe!! :shock: :lol:

Everyone I've ever met has been nothing but super kind except for one.... ARETHA FRANKLIN. Not to be mean, but I think her weight gets her frustrated. She has a really tough time walking from point A to point B. Anyway, my friend & I waited for her near the entrance she was going in for her performance that evening. This was like, 4 hours before show time so she was walking into the venue slowly and all relaxed, and I politely called out to her "Ms. Franklin, I am such a huge fan, may I please have your autograph?" while holding out my photo. She was literally right in front of me, and said "sorry, I can't". ??? I was pretty peeved. Yes, it was my choice to wait there for her, but honestly, it was just me and my one friend there. It's not like there was a huge crowd. Sorry you can't what? Pick up my marker and write your name? She was pretty nice about it, she didn't say it in a rude way, but I am seriously puzzled to this day, as to why she apparently couldn't. ESPECIALLY when we heard that at her performance the previous night, she was signing for fans left and right. Honestly, some celebs have no idea how much a simple gesture can make someone's day. And it really does ruin the image I have of that celebrity afterwards. Rejecting fans in such a situation can really cause a celebrity to lose fans.
Sorry about that :s But your 100% right- I do not know if you have heard of her, but English actress Gemma Arterton actually wrote a note back to me! Not only did it absolutely make my day, I am now a fan of hers for life!

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by woa » Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:40 pm

Thomas Jane used to be real nice and have a great sense of humor. Met him a ton of times. But his recent success has gone to his head and the last few encounters have been complete crap. He is now to good to talk to me (and others as well). I just raz him now when I see him. After all he is only like 3 feet tall. ;-)

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by 5150 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:30 pm

Batista from the WWE. I waited in a que for over 9 hours to meet him, he arrived over an hour late with 6 security guards, refused to speak or have pictures taken and didn't say a word the whole time. He also left 40 minutes early.

John Cena is always pleasent to his fans. He seems one of the only main eventers in the WWE that seem to realise where he came from and how he got there.

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by velvetgold » Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:31 pm

bud simpson wrote:AGAIN.
Don't judge a celebrity by one encounter. Everybody has his or her's bad day.
Very true.

Its easy to forget this though, when its YOUR only moment to meet them, ya know? For them its just one bad day, but for the fan, its their one encounter thats ruined. And thats all you have to base your opinion on, unfortunately.

I heard diva stories about Adam Lambert until I actually met him myself and he was the sweetest person EVER.

But ah! I love reading all these stories yet they make me cringe!! :shock: :lol:

Everyone I've ever met has been nothing but super kind except for one.... ARETHA FRANKLIN. Not to be mean, but I think her weight gets her frustrated. She has a really tough time walking from point A to point B. Anyway, my friend & I waited for her near the entrance she was going in for her performance that evening. This was like, 4 hours before show time so she was walking into the venue slowly and all relaxed, and I politely called out to her "Ms. Franklin, I am such a huge fan, may I please have your autograph?" while holding out my photo. She was literally right in front of me, and said "sorry, I can't". ??? I was pretty peeved. Yes, it was my choice to wait there for her, but honestly, it was just me and my one friend there. It's not like there was a huge crowd. Sorry you can't what? Pick up my marker and write your name? She was pretty nice about it, she didn't say it in a rude way, but I am seriously puzzled to this day, as to why she apparently couldn't. ESPECIALLY when we heard that at her performance the previous night, she was signing for fans left and right. Honestly, some celebs have no idea how much a simple gesture can make someone's day. And it really does ruin the image I have of that celebrity afterwards. Rejecting fans in such a situation can really cause a celebrity to lose fans.

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by popatemyheart » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:00 pm

Admittedly, I haven't met a great deal of celebs, but the ones I have, have all actually been very lovely - at least all very polite.
I really wanna meet Randy Orton and John Cena though from WWE but i've heard both are quite rude! Can anyone confirm this? I dont really wanna try and meet them just to have my ideas of them crushed lol!!
To me, the nicest person i've met was Courtney Love from Hole, she was arriving at her gig and got out of the car, said hi, signed my CD and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek - she really is lovely!
Chris Fountain from Dancing On Ice/Hollyoaks was lovely too - he had 2 pics with me :)

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by LGPSG » Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:45 pm

smoxsamantha wrote:Out of all of the celebs I've met, I'm quite embarrassed to say that the worst was Freddie Prinze, Jr.
just looked at the photo in your sig, and you've met some really awesome people, wow! congrats!! : ) quite dissapointed that FP jnr. isn't so nice IRL, though!

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by sabrinaalexandra » Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:23 pm

Blah, I will say the red head from That's So Raven. She's so irrelevant to me I don't even remember her name, Chelsea something, but she was a mild disney star for a time and I met her when she was in a Broadway show, she scribbled her signature on my poster and didn't even open her mouth and pulled her hat down low and trotted away. I was going to say she performed well but after that I almost wanted to laugh.

Yesterday Catherine Zeta Jones didn't sign for anyone. She just hopped in the car and went bye bye, but I think maybe she had somewhere to go. Angela Lansbury doesn't sign but she sometimes leaves autographs for waiting fans and she will sign if you mail to her at her theatre events. I think she gets too tired or has other plans, which is understandable. But yeah, I was surprised CZJ didn't even stop for a minute to scribble her name on a couple of things! There was a guy with a Tony awards thing and he had a bunch of signatures on standing right by her car and he was shut down. Ouch. I wouldn't say she was rude, just in a hurry... she did smile and talk for a while on stage after the play ended and seemed friendly enough.

Hmm... I thought Tom Delonge was going to be an ass, but surprisingly after waiting in line for hours (was first with a friend but got cut by about 30 people!) he leaned down and gave me a hug and signed things even though the security was telling him they weren't "allowed" to sign more than one thing per person. He also high fived me and my friend gave him my drawing and he laughed at it, it was more of a joke than anything, I did it while we were bored waiting and he said he'd keep it and put it somewhere special... so I think for things where it's a CD signing or book signing a lot of the times it's their managers or like, security who get irritable having to stand there all day while the celebs sit and blah blah. They just want to rush it along and the celeb is sometimes told rules they have to follow and get grumpy because of the rules, actually. I remember this one guy wanted him to sign like 3 things and the security barked at him calling him a name and I was taking pictures and he said, "Have you taken enough yet, jesus" and Tom looked at the guy and told him it was perfectly okay and he would sign whatever he wanted. It was totally cool and surprising. I always knew he was a good guy though many say he isn't.

Let me think.... I met Edi Gathegi or whatever from Twilight and he asked me if I was a reporter (I have a nice camera, I'm into photography) and I said no and as soon as I said that he got disinterested and only felt like hitting on me and looking at my boobs and hitting on the other girls around me. It was a little creepy so I didn't bother with his autograph, just snapped a few pictures and he looked like I wasn't 'important' enough (since I wasn't from an agency to do so.. ha). I thought that was lame, he was obviously a fame seeker as he kept asking little girls what quotes were his from the Twilight movies too. :roll:

Re: who is the worst celebrity to meet

by Ryco11757 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:27 pm

capmonte wrote:Meeting Adam West was a huge disappointment. He talked to his handler the whole time and barely acknowledged me when I stepped up to him, after paying his $25 fee. Signed my photo and tossed it at me. Kind of tarnished one of my childhood heroes (though I still enjoy the 60s show for the villains).
Thats sad!! i'm sorry {down}
