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Re: Not sure where else to post this...

by carlyscala » Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:32 am

Thank you for responding! I like to tell people my story because it was a lot different than I ever thought it would be in the end. My goal now is to educate and inform and spread the word! :)

Re: Not sure where else to post this...

by Tabby » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:58 am

Hi. I read your story and it's very touching. I'm sorry I didn't see it before. You are a very strong person. :D I wish I could donate but I'm low on cash at the moment. I always like getting educated about this kind of thing. Thank you for posting this.

Re: Not sure where else to post this...

by carlyscala » Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:43 am

bump, hope someone could take the time to spread the word or donate! :)

Not sure where else to post this...

by carlyscala » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:01 am

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a good Easter weekend. I would like to tell you a little bit about who I am and what I am trying to do before I get to the point of this post.

Seven years ago on a vacation to Miami, FL, my grandfather turned into a person I didn't know. He was cursing, telling us we weren't a part of his family, and acting very strange. He was a quiet, serene man who never had a bad thing to say about even his worst enemy. He was a kind man and a good man. The kind of man you want to become someday. After we returned (our vacation clearly cut short) he visited the doctor and to all of our dismay, my grandfather was diagnosed with Lewy Body Disease, which is a cross between Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. I was 15 at this time. I never talked about this disease at that time because as a teenager I worried and cared about the wrong things, and by the time I was ready to talk about it, I did not know who to turn to. I thought, what do kids my age know what to say about something like this?

For the years since then, his condition did not deteriorate all that quickly. He definitely stopped driving at a point, but he didn't care too much. He had his funny moments as all Alzheimer's patients do...those moments that shouldn't be funny but are...I'm sure many of my friends remember those good times. He was slower and it took him longer to think of how to say what he wanted to, but he was still my grandpa. That is...until he wasn't. About a year ago, my grandfather's condition dwindled so fast we did not know what to make of it. He couldn't control bathroom use, he could rarely hold a conversation, and he eventually was unable to feed himself. It was very hard, but I took these moments as a way I was finally able to repay him for helping raise me to the woman I have become. I don't say these things for pity on me, but to say that it was literally probably a terrible living experience in his own mind. By July, we knew what was coming, it was just how long it would be. By the end of my grandfather's life, we were changing him, feeding him, giving him water and morphine to keep him comfortable...or as comfortable as you can make someone who can't speak for themselves and let you know what they need. It pained me to not be able to read his mind and do absolutely everything possible to help. You do all you can, but it never seems to be enough.

He passed away July 26th, very early in the morning, with his wife and two children by his side. I was just around the corner sound asleep, and when I found out, it was traumatizing. I remember being with my best friend this morning, going to work, and somehow standing up straight all day long. It didn't take but five minutes after my shift and a visit to my other best friend to break me down. My grandparents had helped raise me. They lived literally around the corner just a hop, skip, and a jump away. My parents got divorced when I was younger and I lived with my mom so my grandfather was the man in the family I saw everyday, only because my dad didn't live close enough for me to walk over like I could to them. I can't even describe how much he was in my life...until he wasn't. Even now, I don't know how to exist in a world where he doesn't. I know I am not the only person who has been a caregiver, and I know he is not the only person to have been a fighter. What I can be sure of, though, is that it has changed my life and I don't want to live in a world where this disease can hurt any other families like it did mine.

The reason I am telling you this is not only to make you aware, because sometimes shows and movies glamorize diseases and make them seem less severe and devastating than they are. I am encouraging you to help. One person is always able to help make a difference, big or small. But I don't want to make a difference. I want to CHANGE the world. And I can't do that alone. I am asking if you could donate 1, 5, or 10 dollars to my Alzheimer's awareness team and if you are unable to, if you could spread the word and just share my story with people. Let people know what this disease is capable of, and ways we can change the circumstances. I appreciate you taking an interest in my story to read this far. I am including the link to my Team page, and also a link to the Alzheimer's Association. Get educated. Be aware. And if you ever come across this disease, I am only a hop, skip, and a jump away if you need to talk. ... =352951291
