David Attenborough TTM Success

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Re: David Attenborough TTM Success

by northwellguy » Fri Nov 08, 2019 12:27 am

WTF is this ^^^^^
Someone is off their meds.

Re: David Attenborough TTM Success

by Glennxd » Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:33 am

To Sir David Attenborough,

I wish I had the resources with which to go into this alot deeper and really flesh it out into something serious but sadly I dont. But maybe you do.

Please read.

Climate Change Truth.

To understand the truth about climate change You first must learn to accept planet earth as a living being in her own right and I say her because if God is our father which he is then the earth is most certainly our mother.

Two or 3 incidents in a row that feed and complement each other may be defined as a coincidence but thousands and in the case of the life of planet earth millions of coincidences in a row could not possibly be defined as coincidence so it is planning which logically leads to the conclusion that there is definitely a God or higher power which not only constructed planet earth but also influences its life and when necessary protects it.

The same as we have a conception which is followed by life and then death so to the same governing principles are also in action in the life of our mother planet earth who also had a conception and will one day face her own death.

When God was creating the earth he did so in a very precise and methodical manner and with a series of very strategically placed counter weights he was able to make the earth rotate which created gravity and then added a moon which was also very carefully placed so as to balance earth’s gravity and create the oceans tides which in turn effects the wind, the creation of storm cells and so on.

The same as our bodies circulate blood to the lungs to be oxygenated and then to our brains and other vital organs which in turn gives us life so to the tides do the same for the earth as the earth tilts in one direction the southern hemisphere gets colder which tells all the male penguins that its time to look after their eggs for the coming winter and so they rest the eggs on their feet to prevent them from freezing and as all the male penguins huddle together to stay warm and last through the winter the female penguins swim off to find food for their soon to be born babies. As winter passes and the earth starts to tilt back the other way the northern hemisphere starts to cool and the southern hemisphere starts to warm which the circulates the cooler water from Antarctica north which tells the mother penguins its time to go home and feed the new babies this is a process which is being repeated all over the world millions of times every day as all the different animals of the world react to the change of seasons which they are told about with the circulating tides and winds of planet earth.

Although this explanation is a very simplistic one you can see how the body of the earth has a life cycle just like our bodies do proving that the earth is very much a living being in her own right and for the most part humans and their mother earth have lived together in relative harmony for thousands possibly even millions of years up until around 1760 when a huge change took place that would see the humans choose a course that would inevitably bring them into catastrophic conflict with their mother earth this change was called the industrial revolution. Around the same time the population of the human race also escalated along with technology and over the past 260 years as one has quickened its pace so have the other 2 with these 3 matching each other the whole way along.

At first the uptake of the industrial revolution was very slow with only small advancements being made and at a slow pace but this slow pace would not last long and smaller advancements soon gave way to much bigger ones. Assembly lines would soon be springing up all over the world as companies and countries started to compete vigorously with everyone trying to make their mark to be the worlds next big thing. The counter weights which had been so carefully placed to give the earth her ability to rotate were now being mined as iron ore, oil, coal, gas and of course the humans favorite GOLD.

As we have now been mining the counter weights of planet earth for around 260 years not to mention our constant and unrelenting pollution of the earths surface coupled with our creation of a new series of counter weights we call cities which give us Counter Weight Displacement because the original counter weights that were so carefully placed have now been displaced. The mining of Iron ore in places like Western Australia is a perfect example of this because the billions of tons of raw material which have been extracted has left Western Australia with giant size holes in the ground which are visible from space making the surface of the earth look like a pin cushion and with our cities representing billions of tons of concrete and steel we have caused our mother earth to become unbalanced.

Our relentless pollution of the earths surface has created a series of 5 plastic islands with 2 in the Pacific ocean, 2 in the Atlantic ocean and one in the Indian ocean. These islands of plastic are changing the temperature of the oceans by cutting of the natural warmth of sunlight we now have massive areas of ocean which are unnaturally cold which is having a direct effect on wild life by giving the wild life incorrect signals of when to feed, when to breed and so on. These unnatural water temperatures are also directly effecting and changing the winds and the tides and combining with the counter weight displacement and excessive amount of co2 in earths environment to give us the process we know as climate change a process that will continue and quicken as it progresses so long as we continue to do nothing to turn it around.

Its time for the human species to wake up and acccept their place in Gods food chain because it does not matter how you choose to be dealt with when you die, if you be burried you soon enough become food for worms and if you be cremated and have your ashes distributed under a rose bush then you are still food for worms or maybe you will choose to have your ashes tipped in the ocean where they will become food for fish the point here is simple it doesn't matter what your choice is whether you like it or not we are all part of Gods food chain. Once we accept our place in Gods food chain we then need to accept that the other creatures we share our mother planet earth with have just as much right to exist as what we do and that was Gods lesson to Abraham with his so Isaac that all the creatures upon the earth have the same right to exist and that the earth is the mother of us all equally with no one species being above any other because in nature all species are created equal as we eat the chicken the worm eats us and the chicken eats the worm and so it goes the same with the sheep and the cow who eat the grass and then we eat the cow and when we die our remains will feed the grass which then feeds the cow and around and around it goes on forever fulfillin the prophecy that what goes around comes back around life eternal we have been here before and we will be here again and again and again with todays date being nothitng more than our current location in the circle of life and hence that feeling of deja vu you sometimes get when you feel thet You have been somewhere before or met someone before well guess what you have met them before last time and you will meet them again next time, eternal life.

Co2 Production is not the real problem The green movement carry on about co2 production like it is some sort of a holy grail of environmentalism which it isn't because our production of co2 is not the real problem at all with the human species producing just 3% of the worlds co2. The real problem is our distruction of the worlds ability to process the co2 by over populating and over developing the earth we have wiped out the forrests which are the earths lungs essentually giving the earth the worst case of lung cancer in history. As adirect result of our over development and over population giving the world lung cancer means that the earth can no longer process the sheer volume of co2 and that has led to a build up of co2 in the earths upper atmosphere which is serving to deplete the earths protective ozone layer and giving us an increasing level of solar effect on planet earths environment and what we have come to know as Global warming. It has been estimated that the earths ice caps are now around 30% of their size just 100 years ago which represents a huge reduction in volume over a very short time and something which can only be considered as catastrophic. When the earths polar ice caps reduce to around 15% we will see the earths rotation start to change from that of a top type rotation to more of a tumble like a tennis ball and given the ever increasing rate of progression this is likely to happen in less than 10 years. When this happens and it is inevitable unless we do something drastic to change it we will see environmental catastrophies increase at rate previously unheard of with monster cyclones, Typhoons, Hurricanes and Tornadoes pushing category 10 making the current strongest category of 5 look like a summer breaze. When we reach the point where these monster storms start to appear our ability to survive will be zero and the human species will be extinct within 2 years with many other animal species joining us in extinction. So we now stand at a precipice moment where we either continue on our way and face extinctionin a very short space of time or we make a change to presserve planet earth and ultimately ourselves. This would mean that we need to stop populating and allow natural attrition to progressively reduce our population to such a point as that which is globally sustainable around half of our current 7 billion. As natural attrition reduces our over inflated population we could then bulldoze our excess of construction and replant the trees to bring back the worlds forrests and help the earth to heal its depleted lung capacity. If we stop burning fossil fuels and leave those counter weights in the ground where they belong the earth may have a chance to find its own balance again and maybe if we are lucky we will survive and we have not needed to burn fossil fuels for energy for a long time having many other alternatives such as wind generation, solar power and perpetual motors just to name a few. Our window of opportunity is NOW we either act now and bring big business and government to a stop until a change is made or we will not survive AT ALL. We have the power and we can do it with just 3% of the human population controlling 95% of the worlds money that means 97% of the worlds population are nothing more than slaves existing on just 5% of the worlds wealth collectively so that 97% have a massive power to enforce change completely without violence or conflict and all they have to do is nothing at all. We could all get together outside our houses of parliament and sit there until a change is made bringing the entire worlds financial markets to a screaming halt and effectively saving planet earth and ourselves the evils of big business corrupt government and religion need to be stopped and we can stop them, We have the power and all we have to do is use it. If we could only bring an end to the conflict between people and start allowing each other the right to exist and realize that the conflict between peoples serves only the corrupt governments who hold rule over us by way of divide and concur, If we are to survive then the human species needs to collectively wake up.

Re: David Attenborough TTM Success

by admin » Wed Sep 18, 2019 6:26 am

Hi Malanta :)

Thank you for your feedback {up} Great Success :P

You have been added to the list for the $10 gift certificate.

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David Attenborough TTM Success

by Malanta » Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:25 am


Long time lurker, first time poster - been meaning for MONTHS now to start collecting signed stuff and what not and now finally have started sending stuff out the last month or so. Shall post all my updates as and when they appear - think I know all that is required.

Method: Letter in Post
Date sent: 10/09/2019
Date back: 16/09/2019
Address: One on his page on this site

Super quick turn around, assume it was one from a pile he has kicking about for such times - am trying to get my autographs personalised where possible and asking for it.

He is a amazing man and am happy he is my first signed photo :-)

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